Grade 2 News

Important Reminders
Sun Smart
As per our school's SunSmart policy, all students are required to wear hats till the end of April 2024.
Wednesday, October 25 - Thursday, October 26: Whole School Production
Please advise your child’s teacher as soon as possible if your child will not be attending the evening performance on their specified date.
Learning in Action
Over the last fortnight, the Year 2 students have been introduced to the author, Oliver Jeffers. Throughout the upcoming weeks, we will use picture story books written by Oliver Jeffers for our author study. The students have really enjoyed Oliver’s writing in the texts they have read so far. They have worked on making inferences in the text and beyond the text. They have also brainstormed alternative parts to the narrative, such as creating a different ending.
Each week we have also focused on various conventions in our writing. We have looked at the use of boundary punctuation and commas when writing lists. In addition to our daily literacy sessions in the classroom, we have a focus word each week to further enhance the students’ vocabulary. We are using words that connect to the inquiry topic this term, Sustainability. Our first two focus words have been: Sustainability and Reusable. It would be great to take advantage of opportunities where these words can be used in family discussions. This will increase the chance of students building up their vocabulary.
The students have continued to compare and contrast two different texts during library sessions. Our focus texts have been written by the author we are using in our author study: Oliver Jeffers.
Year 2 Library is on a Monday. Please return books that you are done with as the students cannot borrow if they have the maximum number of books out on their library record.
Fractions and shapes have been a focus during maths sessions. Students have emphasised the importance of equal parts when looking at fractions. Shading parts ofshapes or circling parts of a collection, to show ½ and ¼. When some students saw a triangle with a horizontal line across the middle, it was a great learning opportunity to highlight the importance of equal parts when talking about halves. The students have also looked at the transformation of shapes, using the words flip, slide or turn to identify how the shape was moved.
Over the last few days, students have been very excited about mixing with friends from other Year 2 classes, to work on place value when looking at numbers. They have engaged in skip counting activities and different ways to make or represent a number.
Year 2 students continue to be very excited about Maths Masters. Here is the link to the Maths Masters Belts folder and activities to help your child achieve their next goal. Just click on the relevant coloured belt your child is working on, and find their individual goal to practise.
This term the students are looking at sustainability, focussing on what this looks like in Victoria. Over the last fortnight, students have looked at some images showing consequences of littering, oil spills etc. They have talked about litter and waste, identifying the ways Victoria as a state, has implemented changes to become more sustainable. E.g. Supermarket shopping bags, reusable straws, paper straws, keep cups.
The students worked on one session last week:
Respect my space, respect my body
- Learning ways to tell people when they do not like the way their body is being treated by others
- Learning ways to seek safety or help when in the presence of violence or inappropriate forms of personal contact
Students revised the ‘No, Go, Tell’ strategy. Emphasising their use of voice to:
1. Say no.
2. Go away from the space they are uncomfortable in.
3. Tell someone they trust. It’s never too late to tell someone about something that made you feel uncomfortable.
Speaking up to say no can be for the simple reason of just not feeling like a hug from someone that day.
Students revised the first session in the program for Year 2.
Inner Ninja - Self compassion, treat yourself like a best friend.
- Students illustrated or wrote words on an ‘I AM’ poster to remind themselves of things that they like doing to be happy and/or things that they are good at. “There is nobody in the world like you!”
We have been busy getting ready for the production next week!
Photos from the end of term 3.
Preview for Learning
Students will continue to look at more engaging texts, written by Oliver Jeffers. The writing convention focus will be contractions.
Students will compare and contrast two different texts, written by Oliver Jeffers. They will have discussions with their triad group in order to compare and contrast the orientation, problem and solutions of the stories they have listened to. They will use a Venn diagram to show the similarities and differences they found between the two texts.
Students will be extending their knowledge on the movement of shapes. They will also continue working on place value number problems, in mixed class groups.
Students will look into compost and landfill - what has Victoria done and reflecting on what could be done in the future. E.g. changing the rubbish bins this year. They will also look into the use of electric cars and solar panels.
The students will revise session 2 - True Colours.
We will look at developing a positive mindset and gratitude. Is it better to see the world in grey, or colour?
Student of the Week
Congratulations to our Grade 2 award winners.
Grade 2 |
2MD - Bailee H |
2H - Dale B & Maggie G |
2A - Asher R |
2F - Blair D |