Grade 1 News

Important Reminders
As per our school's SunSmart policy, all students are required to wear hats until the end of April 2024.
Learning in Action
At the beginning of Term 4, students learnt the sound /or/ - ‘or’ as in sport and ‘aw’ as in Mr Shaw. By going on word hunts and exploring Google Slides, they have practised their encoding and decoding skills. Students then completed similar activities when learning the sound /ur/ - ‘ir’ as in dirty shirt, ‘ur’ as in bursting balloons and ‘er’ as in monster.
In Writing, students are practising their use of capital letters and full stops. This term, we are reading Julia Donaldson books. Students have read ‘Tiddler, The Story Telling Fish’ and 'The Snail and The Whale' and practised writing fully punctuated sentences about the texts.
Students have enthusiastically followed up learning from last term with a huge focus on looking at end pages to predict story lines and settings. This is something that can easily be followed up at home with books from your own personal library or those borrowed. This term we are incorporating our learning focus from Inquiry into the library sessions. So far we have read two books by Jackie French, ‘Flood’ and ‘Drought’, both exploring the extremes caused when the water cycle goes awry. Along with the learning and discussions in Inquiry, you might find your little learner wanting to show how they can ‘conserve’ water around the home. We read a book about the water hole drying up and the students worked in their groups to predict the ending.
This fortnight students have revisited the concept of place value. Students have revised words such as value, digits, tens, and ones. Students have been looking at a range of numbers, two digit and three digit, and were asked to make and represent these numbers as well as write them. Students have also started investigating shapes. We looked at a range of 2D and 3D shapes including triangles, hexagons, cubes, and spheres. Students were introduced to language such as corners, sides, edges, and faces.
This fortnight students have been using their Learner Profile trait of Curiosity to learn all about the valuable resource of water. We have investigated where water comes from, the many important uses we have for water, the consequences of not having enough water and what we can do to save it. We were proud of the creative ideas students had for simple steps they could take to save water, such as:
- Leaving buckets outside when it rains so you can use that water to water indoor plants.
- Always having short showers.
- Turning off the taps when you brush your teeth.
- Reminding friends and family to be responsible with how they use water.
RRRR & Friendology
This term, we are revising over the key Friendology concepts learnt throughout the year. We have begun to create our Friendology books by making a front cover and identifying our favourite Friendology fact. When the books are finished, the Grade 1 students will be sharing their book with their grown ups to teach them all about Friendology.
Preview for Learning
In the coming weeks, students will develop their inferring skills to identify the emotions of characters. They will begin to see how emotions might change as characters move through the Narrative Hill - a visual guide to the storyline of a text. Students will also begin creating their own character and setting for a personal piece of writing.
Following our unit of inquiry, our next topic to be covered in the library relates to food, more specifically animals and insects and their role in pollination.
Students will continue their learning about place value. Students will look at 2 digit and 3 digit numbers and compare and order them. Students will also practice their counting skills, with a focus on 1 more, 1 less, 10 more and 10 less.
Over the next two weeks students will be investigating the resource of food, including where it comes from and how we can make sustainable choices with how we use and consume food.
We will be continuing to make our Friendology books by revisiting the Friend-o-Cycle and identifying things we can do when talking it out.
Student of the Week
Congratulations to our Grade 1 award winners.
Grade 1 |
1T - Isaac P |
1PA - Rory M |
1I - Tommy H |
1KA - Ryder W |
A special visitor to LPS!
Yesterday we were lucky to have a very little, very cuddly and very cute visitor in Grade 1. Miss Ibbotson's new puppy came in to meet the students in Miss Ibbotson's grade. I think we can safely say the students enjoyed their time meeting Millie :)