From the Library

Reading is such an important part of our lives. From reading ingredients in our products, reading contracts, invoices, instructions, signs, through to emails and socials; we rely on our ability to read every day.


Learning to read and write is not an easy thing. Discover what it takes to build important literacy skills, and how you can help your children grow as readers, writers, and thinkers! 


MultiLit has some helpful resources about Reading with Children


Both the Brooklyn Park and South Plympton Libraries continue to grow their collections - we try to stay up to date with the latest copies of our favourite series. Remember that book suggestions are always welcome!


Overdue Library Books

Please remember to also use the upcoming holidays to look for all the overdue Emmaus Library books lurking on your shelves to be returned in Term 4.🙂 Thank you for your support with this.


School Holiday Ideas

We are pleased to provide some fun activity ideas for our young readers during the holidays! Please let us know if you and your children enjoyed it. 


Wishing you all a restful break. Hopefully you are able to pick up a book and read, as a family while soaking up the sun. 


God bless.


From the Library Staff:


Alicia Buxton, Teacher Librarian 

Veronica Scheepers, School Librarian South Plympton

Chelsea Potter, School Librarian Brooklyn Park