Assistant Principal News

Lora Segrave

What a fantastic way to end the term! Our Year 12 students had so much fun celebrating the end of their school years at MCC. From a week full of dress up themes, paintballing, shared staff/student lunch and a reflection at the lake, our students have created memories that will last them a lifetime. 


To the Year 12 Class of 2023, I want to express my utmost pride and admiration for your dedication and hard work. Your accomplishments, both big and small, have contributed to the vibrant tapestry of our school community, and I am excited to witness the positive impact you will make on the world in the years to come.


To the parents, friends, and caregivers, I  extend our gratitude for your unwavering support. Your encouragement, love, and guidance have played an indispensable role in the success of these graduates. 


To the teachers and staff, thank you for your dedication and passion in nurturing these young minds. Your guidance and mentorship have been instrumental in shaping the character and intellect of the Year 12 Class of 2023.


We wish all of our students a safe and relaxing break. We look forward to seeing you all on Monday the 9th of October, ready to commence Term 4.


Lora Segrave

Assistant Principal