Mrs Jillian Rainger

Welcome back for Term 4!

A warm welcome back to school for the last term of 2023! Term 4 is always full of learning and celebrations including excursions and presentation days etc. It is also a time where we celebrate with our Year 10 students the completion of their time at our school. 

We welcome three new students to our school family this term - Ryan in KD, Lilly in Year 8 and Levi in Year 9. We also welcome Ms Elizabeth Fuda to our Student Support team. 


...To our Year 10 students who completed work experience in Week 10 of last term and received excellent reports from their employers

Best wishes...

... To our students participating in the Polding Athletics Carnival this Friday at Homebush.

Holy Trinity School P and F Art Union and Race Day this Saturday

Thank you to our families who have sold their tickets in their Art Union Raffle book and returned it to school. All books need to be returne even if the tickets are unsold by Wednesday and absolutely no later than Friday. The P and F Race Day is a really fun day out for our students and their families. If you have bought a ticket it allows you entry into the racecourse for the day. Students under 16 are free. Please read the flyer attached about the things that are on offer on the day. Come along and enjoy being part of the HTS school family.

Holy Trinity School 60th Year Celebrations!

Over the next two weeks we have two events to conclude our 60 year celebrations. This Saturday to coincide with Race Day we will be holding an Open Morning at school from 10am-12pm for ex-students and community members. Refreshments will be provided. 

On Friday 20 October we will be holding a blessing of our new statues located in front of the library. The statues are of Catherine McAuley founder of the Sisters of Mercy and John Baptiste De La Salle the founder of the De La Salle Brothers. Both congregations have a historical connection to our school as our founders. Families are welcome to join us.

Reminders for Term 4

Students are now expected to be in full summer uniform. Please read the uniform guide in the Office, Canteen and Uniform section of the newsletter.


Parking around the school - please remember not to pull up in the Kiss and Drop zone until after 3:20 so the traffic can flow. You are unable to be parked for longer than 2-3 minutes in the kiss and drop between 2:30 and 4:00pm. 


If your child is absent from school please inform the Front Office the reason for their absence within 7 days. Phone, email or follow the link in the SMS sent.


Many of you would have seen the named pavers of students and families throughout the front lawn. In celebration of our 60 years, we are running this fundraiser again. Please look out for the flyer/order form over the coming days.


Financial assistance is provided to parents of secondary school pupils attending an Armidale Diocesan Systemic Catholic school by the Catholic Schools Office.

The grants are allocated on a needs basis, measured by the parent’s/guardian’s family income.

Student Eligibility:

Applicants for the year 2024 bursaries should be enrolling in Year 7 in 2024. The assistance continues until the student completes Year 10 or leaves the school. Applications may be submitted for students commencing in years other than Year 7, but priority is given to those applying for Year 7.

Making Application:

Application forms for pupils are currently available through the Front Office. Applications close for Round 1 on 3rd November, 2023. Applications will be accepted after this date if there are unallocated bursaries. Applications may be submitted to the school or directly with the Catholic Schools Office.

Term 4 Calendar

Our Term 4 calendar will be sent home next week when dates are finalised. You may wish to save these dates:

6 November - 15 November - Secondary assessments

16 November Secondary Lap-a-thon

20 -24 November Primary Excursion Week and Year 10 Work Experience Week

27 November - 1 December Year 10 Copeton Dam Camp and Graduation Mass and Dinner

6 December Infants Christmas Concert

12 December Presentation Day

15 December Last day for students

14 December Thanksgiving Mass and Christmas Hamper donations to SVDP


Youth Minister Position Available

We are looking for a new youth minister for 2024. Please share this with any young person who may be interested.


Casual Position Available - Alinta Uniform Shop