Christmas Campaign

Dear parents, carers and guardians,


Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) is excited to be launching a Christmas campaign in December. The focus of the campaign will be on giving the biggest thanks possible to our amazing teachers.


To make the campaign more special, students have the chance to be part of it. MACS has created an online form at, where students can write a message of thanks to the teacher who has helped them to flourish, whether by igniting their passion in a certain subject or by inspiring them to believe in themselves.


Not only will the messages of thanks be shared with teachers, but some of the students’ messages will appear on billboards around Melbourne and in future communications. We need your consent in the online form to give your child the chance of having their message used in this way.


I kindly ask that you help your child give the biggest thanks to their teacher (or teachers) by Friday 1 December, so your child can participate in this campaign.


Best wishes


Mr Paul Sharp