Principal's Report

Thoughts from our Principal - Mr Geoff McManus

As we enter the second week of Lent in 2024, we are reminded that the key Lenten message for our children and our faith community is to grow a stronger relationship with our God. Obviously, as Father Thaddeus suggested at the Ash Wednesday liturgy, prayer is the best avenue for us all to talk, listen, hear and act on God’s wisdom and witness in our everyday lives. As we know, there is so much going on in the modern world that it is very hard to actually STOP - LISTEN - HEAR - DO. Hence, here at St Joseph's, we intentionally take the time to actually STOP what we are doing. Then take the time to PRAY to God who speaks to us so that we really LISTEN to what he is saying and/or putting in front of us every day to DO good works in our daily lives.


We are well on the way with our Lenten fundraising for CARITAS - Project Compassion for 2024 and looking forward to raffling off some great prizes of chocolate eggs, rabbits, bunnies, bilbies, etc. on Holy Thursday 28 March. Please send in any donations that you are able. Last year we managed to offer over 35 different prizes and raised over $1500. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Similarly, don’t forget the Easter Bonnet parade on that day - so get crafty and get ready for a wonderful gathering of our faith community as well as having a bit of necessary fun!


A quick reminder that school fees are a necessary contribution to ensure that we continue to offer high-quality educational, sporting, cultural and spiritual opportunities for our beautiful children. At the cost of a “cup-of-coffee-per-day,” the fees are not too overwhelming, however, if they impact too heavily on your family budget, please make an appointment to come and talk to me about a sustainable management plan, particularly, if you have more than one child enrolled from the family. We never like getting into 3rd-party debt collection arrangements that can negatively taint our positive family-school partnership so if the school fees are a problem just pop in to discuss, please. And remember, this school covers many many $$$ things that a lot of other schools do not - like buses to Gala Days, Excursions, Entry Fees as well as, full stationery requirements for classrooms - great value at a reasonable cost!


Until next time.


May God go with you.

Geoff McManus
