FUN RUN 2023

Finally, after the kids asking, "When? When? When?!", the date was set and hot, steamy day saw the kids off and running in this year’s fun run. We had a new course and a new purpose after Covid!
I would like to say a big thankyou to the parent helpers who assisted as marshals on the day and to all the staff for getting involved and preparing their grades. Some of the kids were just walking and talking and others were running steadily around the course and it was all ok!
It was nice to see the parents/carers watching their kids and giving encouragement. Once we have all sponsorship monies returned, we will make an announcement to the community and get some of that money helping all our children at Thornbury Primary School!
Lastly, a big thankyou to the children who always amaze me with their energy!!!
Thanks Everyone looking forward to next year!
Leigh Collins
P.E Coordinator.