Wellbeing and Mental Health

This year the TPS Wellbeing Team has been supported by three amazing allied health students; Jayson Patterson (Master of Social Work, University of Melbourne), Rachael James (Counselling, Australian College of Community Services) and Care) and Vasilike Sgourakis (Music Therapy, University of Melbourne). In a time when our mental health services have never been more stretched, we have been so grateful to host these students here at TPS and offer our students support in these areas. A big thank you to Jayson, Racheal and Vas! Wishing you all the best in your future careers.
In 2024, Vas will join the TPS community and offer Music Therapy Sessions at our school (see flyer below)
In term 4, the Wellbeing Team was also able to secure funding from School Focused Youth Services to deliver the MAT Life Skills (Martial Arts) Program, which was offered to a small group of 5/6 students. The MAT Life Skills Program is an active modality that combines the principles of physical and mental wellbeing with those of therapeutic martial art training techniques. Its format engages and empowers young people to learn life skills and to better manage the challenges in their lives. The Program is aligned to the Victorian Personal and Social Capability Curriculum strands of Self-Awareness and Management, and Social Awareness and Management.
A big thank you to Guy, the facilitator of the MAT Life Skills Program for all his great work with our students!