Year 1/2–Celebrating Learning

What we have been up to:
Students have loved bringing in their flying machines and presenting their work to the class. They have shared how they have moved through the Design Process. It has been so exciting to see their machines fly high, far and stay at for a long time!
We have continued connecting maths to real world contexts. We have continued to investigate money and students really enjoyed creating their wish list at the book fair and recording the prices. We also looked back at data collection and looked at different ways of recording and presenting their flying machine data.
In writing we have been finishing up our publishing in the preparation for our 1/2 book launch on Friday 15th December. We have sent out information on Compass and students will soon be bringing home their own invitations very soon.
Students have been excited to reach the end of all the Little Learners Love Literacy Stages. To reinforce their learning, this week we have continued reviewing stages starting with Stages 6-7.
What’s to come in the next two weeks:
As we come to the end of Term 4, we have been reflecting on a great year of achievement.
Don’t forget the Fun Day happening Monday 18th December in the last week of term. It’s great to see so many families already signed up. It should be a great day full of hip hop, hoola hooping, circus plate spinning and more. Yay! Check Compass for the event.
We wish every family a safe and happy holiday season and look forward to seeing you in the new year.