From the Principal

As we approach the end of a very busy school year and staffing and classes are organised for next year, we also farewell a number of staff and thank them for all that they have given to TPS this year, and for some over a number of years. They will be missed, and we wish them all the best of luck with future endeavours. Farewell and best wishes to the following staff:
- Saskia Lindenmayer who has taken a teaching position at Princes Hill Primary School
- Evie Patrick who has taken a teaching position at Fitzroy North Primary School
- Simon Dooner – who is taking a year of leave but will return to TPS in 2025
- Bethany Robertson - who will be studying to become a teacher as well as working as an integration aide at Carlton Primary School
- Mel Williams – who has taken an integration aide position at Greenhills Primary School
- Michelle Shalagin
David Dyer, our maintenance man has also retired after many years supporting TPS and our cleaner Elmer, who has been with us for 11 years, is taking a promotion in another educational setting.
On Wednesday 20th December, our last day, we will have a special farewell assembly where we will acknowledge departing staff and also farewell our Year 6 students.
Transition and 2024 classes
On Tuesday next week, 12th December, we have a whole school transition activity where students will spend some time with their 2024 class teachers in their 2024 classrooms. In placing students into classes, the learning and wellbeing of each individual student is considered and a great deal of time and thought goes into ensuring the classes are as balanced. If, after the transition on Tuesday, there are any concerns for your child please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
David Wells