Prep Team News

with Caitlin, Hayley & Andrea

Hello Prep families,

This is our final Prep newsletter for 2023! The year has gone so quickly, and we cannot believe our Preps are heading into Grade One next year. We know that they are ready to take on new challenges and learn many more things with their Grade One teachers. Thank you to all of our families for your support and kindness this year. Our day-to-day activities and extracurricular events would not be possible without your assistance. We are wishing all of our students and their families a safe and happy holiday break. 


Well done to our Willy Kid and Super Kid award winners from last week. 



Christmas Performance

At tomorrow’s assembly, the Prep students will be performing a Christmas song at our whole school assembly. The Prep students are welcome to come to school wearing a Christmas t-shirt and/or accessory. For example, you may like to wear:

  • A Christmas themed t-shirt
  • A red, green or white t-shirt
  • Some form of headwear (e.g. Santa hat, reindeer ears or Christmas headband) 

If you are available, we would love for all of our Prep families to come along and watch our performance. The assembly will commence at 2:40pm either in the school hall, or outside in front of the library. 


Buddy Ice-Creams

On Wednesday the 13th of December, an ice-cream van will be coming to Willy Primary! This is an opportunity for Preps and their 5/6 buddies to enjoy a treat together and celebrate the special friendships that they have developed this year. Students should bring $5 to school in a labelled bag, which can be used to purchase an ice-cream on the day. 


Curriculum Focus: Weeks 9 - 10

Reading - Students will explore the features of non-fiction texts including the contents page, index and glossary. As part of our Little Learner’s program, students are now beginning to learn other common sounds including digraphs and trigraphs. Our current focus being long vowel sounds including the long o sound, represented by the spelling ‘oa’. 

Writing - Students are continuing to learn to correctly form letters and use their sound knowledge to write sentences. Further, students are using their knowledge of non-fiction texts to summarise information. 

Numeracy - Students are revising their understanding of addition and subtraction in a number of ways including hands on materials, number lines and number sentences. The Preps are also demonstrating their knowledge through collaborative maths games. 

Inquiry - This term, our inquiry topic is What do living things need to survive? Our big topics will include: What are living things and how do we know they are living? What do different things require to stay alive? How can we help these things stay alive? Do living things need to be in the right place to stay alive?


Prep: Key Dates Term Four

Friday 8th December 

Prep Swimming

Assembly: Prep Christmas Performance

Wednesday 13th DecemberBuddy Ice-Creams


Have a wonderful & safe holiday break! 


Warm regards,

The Prep Team–Caitlin Sullivan (Prep S), Hayley Thibou (Prep T) & Andrea Duxson (Prep D)