Specialist Team News

with JoJo, Faye, Paddy, Kate & Madame CriCri

Performing Arts

The Curriculum Focus in Performing Arts

Grade Prep, 1 & 2

In the last 2 weeks of term, students are singing and playing some Christmas songs and games.

Grade 3 & 4 

Students are looking at a parody of Stayin’ Alive called Scarin’ Alive. They are working collaboratively in small groups to create some dance moves and actions to go with a specific section of a song to teach their peers.

Grade 5 & 6 

Students are learning about the features of Rap music and have had a go at writing their own eight-line rap using couplet rhyming on a topic of their choice.


Music Clubs - Dates to Note

  • Friday 8th Dec – Choir to perform at Williamstown Community Christmas event on the front steps of the Holy Trinity Church in Nelson Place at 4 – 4.20pm. Please have your child there by no later than 3.50pm for our Christmas performance. Students are to wear their choir t shirt and any Christmas accessories.
  • Monday 18th Dec – Afternoon Bands Performance by the Marimba and Rock Band at 3.30pm outside the library. 


Warm Regards,

Faye Ferry (Performing Arts)

Visual Arts

Wominjenka with a ho ho ho, thrown in.


How quickly we moved from the Seaside Fair onto the Wishing Tree Stall. I hope you all had a fun time at the Seaside Fair. I certainly did, catching up with Willy Kids, old and new, and their families. The food was great, the performances were entertaining, and the plant stall is where I spent most of my money, but I did pick up some bargains. 


I hope you were able to appreciate the different artwork around the school. I know the kids were proudly showing off their creations to their friends and family and we did have a few folk having their photos taken in the big Seaside Fair frame. 

I would like to thank those who helped to hang it all up, particularly Marcia and Mel. I couldn’t have done it without you. It certainly came down much quicker than it took to put it up.

The kids have been busy making a range of things for the Wishing Tree Stall. We’ve made an assortment of wrapping paper, Christmas cards, gift cards and gift bags. It is great to see kids making things to help out other kids.

So, it really is not long now until the end of the year. It has been an extremely busy one at that with the big 150th Celebration, the Seaside Fair and everything else along the way. Just think next year we can have another big year as we prepare for an Art Show!!


Good luck to our Grade Six students as they leave for the next part of their educational adventure and all our families that are off to see other parts of the world.


Enjoy the holidays, stay safe, have fun, be happy and keep creating art!


Jo Jo (Visual Art)

Physical Education 

Hi everyone!

It has been another great couple of weeks in Physical Education across all year levels. With only one full week to go in the school year we are looking forward to a big finish and celebrating all that the students have achieved across the year. Here is the final curriculum focus in PE for the year.


Fortnightly Curriculum Focus in Physical Education

Prep: Connection with peers and simple rule systems.

Year 1 & 2: Fundamental motors skill application in minor games.

Year 3 & 4: Skill application in invasion and cooperative games.

Year 5/6: Game tactics in invasion and cooperative games.



This Wednesday, December 6th was the Willy Games! All students competed in cross-aged groups in a variety minor games and tabloid sports and represented their school houses. All of our Willy Kids showed amazing cooperation, teamwork and their house spirit was on full show. Congratulations to every single Willy Kid on an incredible day. The winning house will be announced this Friday at assembly!


Warm Regards,

Paddy Gallivan (Physical Education)


Kitchen Garden

As the year comes to an end it’s been wonderful to watch the children’s efforts in the garden coming to fruition. Our grade 1 and 2 students were responsible for planting many of the seeds which are now growing in the space. In fact, we haven’t purchased a single plant or seedling since term 2 and the garden is still absolutely jam packed with produce.


Students have prepared some lovely dishes to share using fresh, seasonal produce. Our grade 1 students were treated to a couple of special visitors; Giraffe and Hawk (two former cage hens) who helped them to learn about the various types of egg farms and how they operate.


Our Grade 2 insect hotel is well underway. Although it may not be finished before the end of the year, it’s lovely to see it looking so great. We’ve spied many critters moving in already.


As we prepare for summer, much time has gone into ensuring as many of our plants as possible are located in zones that have a watering system. We will still have quite a few plants that will need to be hand watered so if you have any free time (even if it’s just ten minutes once or twice over the break) and would like to come in over the holidays to water the garden please get in touch kate.fedele@education.vic.gov.au


A big thank you to all of the wonderful parent volunteers who have been able to come in and assist with our cooking program. That side of our program can’t run without volunteers so your time is very much appreciated.


Wishing everyone a warm festive season,


Kate Fedele

Kitchen Garden Program