Grade 5 Community News

Welcome to PLC5’s Week 9 Newsletter!
We have begun our Reading unit on Wonder by R. J. Palacio. Over the past weeks we have looked at some of the themes and messages in this text including empathy, friendship and managing changes. Students have applied the “thinking process” in their work to incorporate prior knowledge and make connections to the text.
Please ensure your child is reading each night and logging this in their journal.
In Writing, the students have started working on Book Reports. They are focusing on including an introduction, main idea, key events, themes and opinions on the text. Students have been developing these skills through the text Six Dots by Jen Bryant and next will be working on creating their own book reports.
During Week 6, students completed lots of assessments as an opportunity to show all of their amazing learning. Last week we began a new unit on Volume and Capacity and the students have had a great time exploring these concepts. They have successfully shown their understanding in a variety of ways, including using manipulatives and hands on materials.
The students have continued learning about health, safety and wellbeing. They have explored how to manage emotional responses to situations and build healthy coping strategies to employ. Additionally, students have explored influential people in their community and online and ways to understand where information is coming from.