Grade 3 Community News

Dear grade 3 families,
Term four is flying by! Only a few more weeks left until the end of the term and the year.
We commenced our reading unit on Astronomy. The children have learnt all about our fascinating Solar System, celestial bodies, and the galaxy. Children have been busy identifying the characteristics of the planets such as ours, Earth, being the third away from the sun which receives the right amount of heat and light, making it the right temperature to sustain life.
The children are eagerly looking forward to the excursion to Scienceworks Museum- ‘Tycho Goes to Mars’ show in the Planetarium, as well as other exhibits in the venue. This excursion will directly link to the learning on Astronomy. If you are interested on being a parent helper for this excursion and you have a valid Working with Children Check, please complete the following form: Please take note of the consent and payment due date, to be finalised on Compass.
Other reminders about the upcoming excursion:
Students are required to wear full uniform and bring the following:
- a small, lightweight bag labelled with their name.
- lunch and a water bottle.
The children finished persuasive writing. They used their voice to pick their own topic to research and write about, persuading the reader to agree with them using a variety of language choices such as emotive language, modality verbs, rhetorical questions, and transition words. Students published their texts and are very proud of their achievements. Next, the grade 3s will delve into note taking using symbols and abbreviations such as ) ->, +, =, /, b/c, w/o, w/, & and the purpose of note taking for acquiring important information, this being an important skill to have as students progress into the senior years of study.
The Grade 3s have been learning about Money. It has been great to see the children identifying denominations of Australian coins and notes and representing money values in multiple ways. They have also worked out the change to the nearest five cents.
The children have been learning about the representation of Australia as states and territories, and Australia’s major natural and human characteristics. They had to research a natural wonder of Australia such as Uluru, Wave Rock and The Great Barrier Reef. They learnt the difference between natural and manmade structures and features of Australia, this meaning natural characteristics having natural features such as rocks, trees and living things whereas the human characteristics are manmade, such as buildings and other structures.
Reminders/Important dates:
-Hats in term 4. There are still several children not wearing hats.
Correct school uniforms to be worn at all times.
-Attendance Heroes - please ensure your child is at school every day, unless unwell. Remember to contact the school via compass if your child is away.
-If you would like to speak to your child’s teacher, they would be happy to discuss anything with you. This can be done in several ways: Contact the school office and leave a message. The office will get the teacher to call you back. Arrange a meeting before or after school, but please be mindful that teachers have meetings Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday after school. Alternatively, you can also email and someone will forward your message.
-Please ensure that your child completes their Wellbeing Journal and returns it to school on the day that their teacher has requested. It is a school expectation that the children read for at least 20 minutes every day so please ensure your child completes nights of reading section.