Grade 2 Community News

Dear Grade 2 Families,
We are on the home stretch! As we near the end of Term 4 we reflect and thank you, our amazing student families for all your support this year. Our grade 2 students have been working hard showing growth towards their learning goals and completing assessments. We have only a few weeks to go, and students are eagerly anticipating our upcoming Science Works excursion.
Students are enjoying our reading focus on children's literature texts. Students have been making inferences about characters. Making predictions using clues from the stories and their prior knowledge. We have been visualising by identifying key words in a story and creating images based on these clues. Students have been asking and answering questions about what we are reading by asking ‘right there’ questions (literal questions) and ‘think and search’ questions.
In Writing, students have been creatively practicing writing their own persuasive texts. Students have been planning and creating an advertising poster to market their own made-up inventions. They have included rhetorical questions, alliteration, exaggeration, attractive visuals, emotive language, and repetition. Next students will be practicing expanding on sentences using fronted adverbial phrases, and adverbs to support their descriptive writing. Example: Bravely, they all crossed the old rope bridge.
In Numeracy, we have been learning about shape and transformations. Students have been learning about slides, flips and turns and practicing these in different ways (with materials, drawings, and with their maths partners). Our next unit is Australian money. Students will be counting collections of coins, ordering, making totals, remaking a total using different coins, adding and using the decimal to separate dollars and cents.
Students have been enjoying our mentor text Rowan of Rin and practicing learning the meaning of and using the words correctly of gasp, passage, hollow, flicker and gleam.
We have been learning about using the suffix of -ment and -ly at the end of base words to change their meaning. In week 8 learnt about using the suffix -able and -ible to words to show that something is able to be done. Example excite – excitable, comfort – comfortable.
Digital Technology
Students have been exploring and discussing what our digital tattoo is. Including things we might post or share online with others. We explored what is safe to post online (like our favourite colour, our sports team) and what is not safe (our address etc).
As it’s heating up we are reminding students to be sun safe and wear their school hats when playing at recess or lunch. School hats can be purchased from the office.
Please keep reminding and supporting your child's reading nights. Students are doing well keeping up their reading nights to the end of term by completing 150, 175 or 200 nights of reading! A fantastic achievement.
Our upcoming science works excursion is planned for Week 9 starting 27th Nov. Students need to be at school at 8:42 am on their class excursion day wearing sports uniform, with their bag, water bottle, snack, and a lunch.
We also have a very special performance coming up in week 12! On Monday the 18th of December the year 2 students will be performing for each other a range of songs and dances to celebrate the end of the year! Parents and families are welcome to attend from 8:55am to 10:55am on Monday the 18th of December. More information to come from your child’s classroom teacher. We hope to see you all there!
Some of Our Core Reading Texts
A Students Advertisement Poster Plan
Students Advertising Posters Using Persuasive Techniques