Grade 1 Community News

Hello Grade 1 Families,
We really cannot believe just how fast this term is flying by. As we are getting closer to the end of the year, this has been a really lovely time to reflect on the progress that our students have had over the course of the year. We are so impressed by the motivation, curiosity and learning that has taken place in each classroom and this is really a time of celebration of growth!
Let’s take a look at what we’ve been learning!
Synthetic Phonics
In Synthetic Phonics, we have been exploring both reading and writing contractions. Students have learned n’t is short for not (e.g should not becomes shouldn’t), ‘ll is short for will (e.g I will becomes I’ll), ‘ve is short for have (e.g I have becomes I’ve) and our most current point of focus; ‘re is short for are (e.g they are becomes they’re). The heart words that we are learning this week are; ‘above’ and ‘honest’. We’ve had a lot of fun hunting for contraction words within reading passages and coming up with our own sentences that include a variety of contractions.
In Reading, we have moved on from Animals and Habitats into our new Fairy tale unit. At the very beginning of our unit, we were unpacking the different characteristics found in Fairy tales such as the; setting, royal family, fantasy element (magic), problem, solution and ending. Now we are working on comparing and contrasting the characteristics of the fairy tales where we are discussing the similarities and differences between the Fairy tales that we are exploring. The students are really enjoying the different storylines!
In Writing, we have moved into our new unit; Story Innovation. This has been such an enriching link with our reading unit and students are really establishing their knowledge and given even more opportunity to express their learning and creativity. In this unit, we are taking the traditional fairy tale story lines but adding our very own twist. We have been altering the fairy tales with our own ideas so students have been changing elements such as the; beginning, character/s, problem, ending. It has been so fun hearing everyone’s brand new fairy tales and the students have really enjoyed sharing their ideas with their peers and having a little giggle!
In Maths, we have reached the end of our Time unit and are starting to move into revision. Throughout our time unit, students had been taught to read the time to o’clock and also half past. Revision gives us a great opportunity to go back to those various units in Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Data and Statistics to refresh student’s knowledge on areas that were taught earlier in the year and to even extend on their skills and abilities.
In Vocabulary this term we are learning the meaning of words from our serial text Fantastic Mr Fox. This text has great words for our students to use in their own writing and to build their understanding while reading! This week we have learnt the words ‘clutching’, ‘courtesy’, ‘colossal’ and ‘famished’. Ask your child is they can use these words in a sentence at home.
Friendly Reminders
- Please make sure that your child brings their Tarneit Rise school hat every day and that it is clearly labelled with their name
- Please ensure that all uniform is labelled with students names so that anything lost may be easily returned to the correct owner