Prep Community News

Dear Prep Families,
We are well and truly past the halfway mark of Term 4! We have come such a long way since the beginning of the year and are beyond proud of the effort put in by the students.
In our Reading lessons, we have been learning about health and how we should look after our bodies. During these lessons, we discuss food, personal hygiene, body parts and how our bodies change. This helps us understand the importance of looking after ourselves.
In week 8, we began to learn about how to take care of the Earth. We created a list of all the things that we know about Earth and the things that we would like to know.
During our Writing lessons, we have been learning how to write a recount. We have learnt that a recount should include when, who, where, action and feeling.
We have participated in some experiences for the students to then have the opportunity to write about. Our first experience was making a horse mask after the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday and then we had a horse race outside. Our second experience was making a Diwali Lantern in celebration of Diwali.
The students had a lot of fun during the language experiences and were able to use their writing skills to complete a recount of the experience.
We have looked at how to write lists for different reasons. We can write lists for shopping, wish lists, favourite things and so many more!
During our maths lessons, we have learnt about capacity. We began by investigating using resources in the classroom to fill up containers to full, half full/half empty or not filling them to leave them empty. We also investigated capacity by exploring the sandpit and the water taps. Being hands-on with our learning is so much fun. We set a challenge for the students to make a container to hold ten teddies using paper sticky tape and glue. They were all creative in the different ways they came up with making their own container.
After capacity, we started revising different areas of maths using open-ended problems using different strategies such as models, pictures and number sentences.
Some new words we learnt during our Vocabulary lesson were:
Startled: Showing sudden surprise. | Nasty: Someone who is bad or unkind. | Fetched: when you get something and bring it back. | Wearily: when someone is extremely tired. |
Friendly Reminders:
Hats for Term 4: Please ensure your child brings their hat to school every day in Term 4. Make sure their hat is labelled with their name.
Animal Land Children’s Farm: Our Excursion to Animal Land Children’s Farm on Friday 24th November and Friday 1st December was so much fun. They had such an amazing time. Here are some photos from the day.