French News

Bonjour Parents and Students!
As we are coming to the end of our school year, as a French team we have truly seen the French ability of our students SOAR! We are so impressed with the growth that all our students have made in the language!
Prep students reviewed animals and colours and wrote simple sentences about an animal and their colour as well as drew stunning images to go along with their sentences.
Our year 1 students loved learning about different body parts and were able to draw and label the different body parts as well as learn a fun new song.
Grade 2 students reviewed the spelling of numbers up to 30 and were able to correctly match the digits with the spelling in French.
The grade 3 students had an absolute blast picking a topic and creating a survey of yes or no questions as well as open ended questions. They were able to learn the structure about how to form questions as well as practice their oral French.
Grade 4 students continued the topic of weather and clothing and created 2 characters and worked to describe their outfits using prior knowledge as well as new information and created a lovely poster.
The grade 5’s began to work on their personal self-profile, using their prior knowledge from the year to describe everything about themselves in a fun and creative way through a poster.
The year 6 students continued to work through a few more grammar topics and were able to do a matching pair activity as well they also tackled the past tense in French. They truly have carried such a fantastic attitude through all the intense and difficult grammar topics. We are so impressed as a French team.
Please note : If your child is new to learning French or just would like to practice the basics, follow the links below so that they can practice at home 😊
Alphabet song –
Number song -
Color song -
Days of the week -
Months of the year -
Merci (thanks) for reading ! We look forward to watching our students at Tarneit Rise Primary School continue to grow in their French language abilities.
À bientôt !
The French Specialist Team