Physical Education News

Dear students, parents, and families,
What a fantastic fortnight it has been in PE! The weather has been exceptional and we have been able to take part in a variety of games! A healthy reminder, now that we are in Term 4, hats must be worn at lunch times and also during Physical Education!
Grade 6 Soccer Tournament:
Last week our Grade 6 girls had the opportunity to play off in a tournament against St John's primary school! What a fantastic day it was to see so many teams playing and so many girls enjoying the game of soccer! Well done to all involved and well done to Mr. Marley for organising a fantastic tournament!
Preps, Grade 1 and Grade 2:
The Prep to One students have been working extremely hard on their Single-handed striking skills by practising striking an object with their handshake grips. In grade two, the students have worked hard on their two-handed side arm striking skills, by hitting objects off a tee ball tee.
Upcoming: Sports Days! In week 11 the grade Prep, One and Two students will be partaking in their cohort sports day! Where they will practise a variety of movements and skills! We’re looking forward to seeing all of our students in action!
Grades 3-6:
The Grade Three to Five students have worked hard on their striking and fielding games. In grade three, we have continued practising our tee-ball skills, focusing on our striking, fielding and choices we make when running between bases. The grade four students have been exposed to Danish Longball, whilst the grade fives have developed their cricket skills. In grade six, we have devised our own striking and fielding games, and next week we'll be putting them into practice!
Extra-Curricular PE:
If you still have not been able to attend or check out our after school sports clubs, click here to see the amazing footage:
Term 4
Run by the PE Team | External Providers at the School |
AFL club with Mr Firman and Mr Elorza, every Tuesday Soccer Club with Mr Marley, every Monday & Thursday Grade 5 Cricket Club: with Mr Dew, every Tuesday Running Club every Monday and Friday morning | Cricket - CricSmart - Wednesdays & Thursdays Tennis - Meehan Academy Tues-Fri (Full) Soccer - Football VIC - Fridays Western United School Club - Tuesdays (Grade 5/6) Touch Rugby - Wednesdays & Fridays |
Reclink: | |
Touch Rugby - Wednesdays Gr3-6 @ Soccer Pitch - 3:10pm - 4:10pm Friday - Touch Rugby team |
Are you a coach who wants to hold clinics or a sports club at Tarneit Rise? Contact Mr Marley with your sport and availability.