Principal's Message

Dear parents/ caregivers of Tarneit Rise Primary School,
We would like to extend a very warm welcome to the following children and their families who have recently joined the Tarneit Rise Primary School community:
Year Three: Louis
The Busyness of Term 4
This term has been, and continues to be, a busy one. Over the last two weeks teachers have administered summative assessments to gather evidence of student learning to inform children’s reports and have been industriously writing children’s reports which will go live to families Tuesday 19 December. We are in the process of finalising 2024 grades and assigning teachers to grades, and over the next week we will be looking at assigning grades to classrooms. Teachers are beginning to prepare children’s files, so they are organised and up-to-date ready for next year’s teacher. We have hosted our first two prep transition sessions and teachers, members of the executive leadership, and families have celebrated the tremendous growth in children’s learning at student support group meetings. And the list certainly goes on!
Family Holidays
If you take your child/ren on a family holiday during school time, your child/ren will not be included in extracurricular programs and high ability events. Similarly, if your child/ren participates in literacy intervention and they are taken on a family holiday, there is a high probability they will lose their spot in intervention. Please prioritise your child/ren’s learning and avoid taking holidays during school terms.
International Day of People with Disability
On Sunday we honour International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD). IDPwD is a United Nations Day observed internationally. It aims to promote community awareness, understanding, and acceptance of people with disability. This year’s United Nations IDPwD theme is United in action to rescue and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals for, with and by persons with disabilities. This theme asks everyone to work together to make the world better and fairer for people with disability. Every day at Tarneit Rise Primary School we celebrate the uniqueness and abilities of every child. Our school embraces diversity, and we have worked hard and continue to work hard to create an inclusive school where all talents shine brightly. What is so special about our school is that we recognise IDPwD is not just about a single day, it is about ensuring and maintaining a culture of acceptance of people with disability every day by challenging perceptions and attitudes about disability. We recognise that inclusion is central to equality, so our mission is to make sure each one of our children has the same opportunity to actively participate in school, so that when the time comes, they can take their place in society as a respected citizen. We hope that everyone in our community takes the opportunity to challenge their own and others’ perceptions about disability on Sunday, so that we can build a stronger community that uplifts everyone.
Stay kind,
Sarah, Missy, Gemma, Lauren, Stephen, and Alana 😊