Principal's Report

Dear EHPS Community,


As you are aware the staff have spent many hours discussing the composition of classes for next year. The children’s preferred learning partners have been considered and other relevant parent information has been taken into account. Class groups have been trialed several times and observations of behaviour, cooperation and happiness have all been taken into account.

As I have stated many times, parent input will be considered, however I cannot guarantee that parent wishes will be agreed to because it is only one part of a complex picture. Also, the school will not entertain requests for particular teachers. All teachers at Essex Heights are highly trained professionals who have the expertise to deliver a comprehensive curriculum in line with all state guidelines so as to meet the needs of the children. Our aim is to create well balanced classes that will ensure that the children’s education will be enhanced through positive relationships and a good working environment.

The transition to new classes needs to be a positive and enjoyable experience for the children. Parents can support their children in this process by modelling a positive mindset and by remaining flexible and open in their views.

For children to be resilient they need to be shown that sometimes change is inevitable and that it can be a good thing. New friends and a new teacher can bring new opportunities. As adults we need to model this for the students so that they learn how to cope with change. Also speculative discussions in the school yard is not a good example of this role modelling.

The children will be involved in ‘walk up’ next week. Even though these classes are closeto the final configurations for 2024, there may still be changes following the 'walk up' session. I encourage you all to have positive discussions with the children about their new class and the friends that they have or the new friends that they will make next year. 

I am sure that with an open and positive mindset, the children will be happy with their 2024 classes and that they will have an enjoyable and productive year.

Coordinators for 2024

I am pleased to announce the Leadership Team for next year:

Year Level/SubjectCoordinator/s
PrepVictoria Gilbert & Lauren Davies
Year 1Shona Misso & Emily O'Mahony
Year 2Paula Hammond
Year 3 / 4Kristi Lloyd & Felicity O'Flynn
Year 5Magdalene Lim
Year 6Goretti Cheuk
SpecialistsAubrey Hudson
Literacy SpecialistRenée Dare
Numeracy SpecialistKelvin Tang
Wellbeing SpecialistCarolyn Wilson
Principal TeamGeorge Perini, Ina Kuehlich & Elisha Cotterell

Please note that all staff with some special responsibility receive some time release during the week to allow them to complete their roles.

2023 ‘Ever Higher’ Art Exhibition

On Tuesday night, our school community joined together to open the 2023 'Ever Higher' Art Exhibition. This was the first exhibition since 2019 and it showcased hundreds of pieces of art created by our very talented children. The work was so diverse, featuring so many different mediums and techniques. Many families very positively astonished at the quality of the children’s work. This was a credit to the persistence and skills of the children and to the expertise of their teachers, Mr Hudson and Nikki. 

In addition, on Tuesday we also unveiled our new Art Mural. The stunning mural which highlights our School Values, ArtSEL and The Resilience Project was designed by our 2022 Art Captain, Alana C, and painted by the 2023 Art Captains, Chloe C, Ellie F, Kavya J, Gloria L, Maya P, Aaliyah S and Veronica S. The mural is on the outside wall of the Art Room. Please make a point of seeing the new mural when you next come into the school grounds.

Special thanks to our School Council President, Jen Bittner, for opening the exhibition and to the Art Captains and parent volunteers for helping on the night.

This exhibition would not have been possible without the passion and hard work of Aubrey Hudson and Nikki Olsen. Thank you to you both for creating an authentic art experience for all of our students.


We welcome parents attendance at our Assembly on Monday starting at 2.30pm in the Stadium. This will be the last assembly for the presentation of Student of the Week and other end of year awards. Refer to your Compass News Feed for details about this Assembly.

The whole school community will gather for the final Assembly for the year on the last day of term on Wednesday 20 December. Our Year 6 students will be farewelled and all other students will be dismissed from the assembly and school at 1.30pm. 

End of Term 4 and 2023 School Year

Parents are reminded that the 2023 school year ends on Wednesday 20 December. As usual, students will be dismissed from the final assembly at 1.30pm.

Start of 2024 school year

The start of the 2024 school year has now been confirmed, including the first two days of Term 1 being student-free days. Please note the following dates:

  • Monday 29 January - Term 1 commences. Student-free Day in all Victorian government schools. School Office open.
  • Tuesday 30 January - EHPS Student-free Day.
  • Wednesday 31 January - Years 1 to 6 students commence.
  • Wednesday 31 January to Tuesday 6 February - Prep EOI & MOI school entry assessments
  • Wednesday 7 February - Prep first day at school, finishing at 1.30pm
  • Thursday 8 February to Tuesday 13 February - Preps attend 8.50am to 2.30pm
  • Wednesday 14 February - Prep commence fulltime - 8.50am to 3.30pm


I am looking forward to celebrating Year 6 Graduation next week, and seeing you around the school.


Kindest regards,

George Perini
