
Be part of the change ...

Microforest Working Bees 

Our first and last working bee of the year on Wednesday 6 December was a great success!  Thanks to Lynn (mother of Terence 4P) for coming along and the amazing group of Year 5’s who volunteered their time to help!  Look what we achieved in two hours!  Due to this working bee being such a success, we have decided to hold two more next week!


Monday 11 December from 9am to 11am and 

Wednesday 13 December from 9am to 11am. 


Our aim is to finish laying cardboard on the area behind the school oval leading down to Outlook Road and then mulching on top before the school holidays. This will help to prepare the soil for the successful planting of our Microforest in Autumn next year. So if you can spare an hour or two next Monday and Wednesday, please come along to help.  


Our amazing Year 5’s enjoyed it so much, they want to help out again too, so come along and join in the fun!! 

A big thank you to:  Olivia M 5R, Mella 5R, Emily 5R, Momin 5R, Malmika 5R, Sam 5R, Hannah K 5RL, Bob 5RL, Ivy 5L and Siva 5L.

Yogi Patel

Sustainability Coordinator

EHPS Community Roster

We are reaching out to our community to secure involvement in the following areas:

  • Recycling bins rollout;
  • Chicken coup carers; and 
  • Orchard and raised vegie bed watering.

Read the details below and sign your family up to be part of the Essex Community. 

Email to sign up or to ask for more information.  


Recycling Bins Rollout

The City of Monash has donated 11 yellow lid recycling bins to bolster our sustainability education program.

Families select the date/s they can collect the bins from the driveway behind the Art Room. Check the gate near the Bike Shed and if the gate is locked, please use the front entrance gate opposite our School Office. The bins need to go out on Sunday as the collection is early Monday morning. They cannot go out on the Friday or Saturday, as we may receive a fine, or worse still, they may fall over and spill rubbish onto the surrounding area. Marita is available to show you where the bins are kept and where they sit on the nature strip.

Our bins go out on the following dates:

EHPS Recycling Bins 

Term 4 2023

Sunday 17 December


Summer Holidays

Sunday 31 December (NY Eve)

The bins may be very full after teachers have 

cleaned out their rooms

Summer Holidays

Sunday 14 January

Possibly very little rubbish

Summer Holidays

Sunday 28 January

Possibly very little rubbish

Term 1 2024

Sunday 11 February


Term 1 2024

Sunday 25 February


Term 1 2024 

Sunday 10 March


If your family can put our recycling bins out on a date/s listed above, please contact the School Office or email Marita Steward.


Chicken Coop Carers

Every holiday period we ask to have experienced chicken carers volunteer to maintain the high standard of care for Almond, Midnight and Pom Pom. 

The parents/chicken carers often create a WhatsApp group to communicate with each other. I am always an email away to assist where needed. 

The dates listed below are suggestions; individual families create a roster to suit their availability to keep our chooks well fed and watered over the Summer holidays (21 December 2023 to 28 January 2024). 

Example Roster for Chicken Coop Care - Summer School Holidays 2023 - 2024

Thursday 21 December to 

Sunday 24 December

BekerksYes, I am on WhatsApp

Monday 25 December to 

Thursday 28 December

Feathers       Yes, I am on WhatsApp        

Please email me to advise your interest and availability to be a chicken coop carer, and confirm a meeting time in the last week of school this year (week 12 - Monday 18 to Wednesday 20 December) to come and collect a key and meet the chooks. 


Summer Holidays Watering

Our fruit orchard and raised garden beds have been a long term project at EHPS, and we are looking for volunteers to water the garden beds over the Summer holiday period.

If you are happy to help, please contact  to discuss this vital role. 


Marita Steward