Occupational Health & Safety

~to protect the health, safety and welfare of employees~

Please complete the Classroom Setup Request by Friday 15 December 2023- LINK





Looking After Our Property



Food is one of the main reasons rodents want to get inside a building. WHY? Rats and mice are looking for warm, dry territory for their continued food hunts, and schools are an ideal location for this.

It’s essential that we are all responsible for identifying areas where food might be left open or unattended.

Classrooms: Teachers or students might leave containers of lunch open or drop snacks accidentally onto the ground, making classrooms prime places for rats and mice to target. Food should be handled carefully.

Food storage areas: Food containers could leak or contain rips and holes, making them liable to rodent infestation. Please put anything you receive and open from Breakfast Club into a cupboard that is not exposed.

Kitchens and BBQ areas: Kitchen areas are such large areas and it is easy to miss some food and have it left out in the open, attracting nearby rodents. Constant cleaning and upkeep of this area is the most effective rodent control method. 

Please make sure all of these places are maintained and cleaned regularly. Staff should check these areas multiple times before the end of the day. 

Rodents will come out after everyone has left and darkness falls, so take preventative measures to solve any issues before the day is over.


Ways to prevent pests:

  • Reduce clutter
  • Seal entry points
  • Maintain clean food and seal all lunchbox areas
  • Maintain clean food storage areas and keep containers sealed
  • Keep rubbish areas clean

Remember, rodents are secretive opportunists! Let's work together to keep them out!

If you have any questions, please let us know.





Occupational Health & Safety


OH&S Manager Nominee: Mary Boutros  

Health and Safety Representative: Frances Hansen 

Deputy Health and Safety Representative: Rob Ball

Return to Work Co-ordinator:  Michelle McMaster




The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a free, easily accessible, confidential & voluntary service.  (Call 1300 361 008, 24 hours - 7 days)

It can provide support on a range of personal and work-related issues such as:

•    Wellbeing strategies

.     Responsibility at work

•    Work-life balance

•    Depression/Anxiety

•    Stress Management

•    Managing Change


Mental Health & Wellbeing Resources:LINK

Next OHS Meeting  - Wednesday 13th December 2023

2023 OHS Goal:  To reduce Psychosocial Hazards in the workplace 


The committee continues to analyse the data from the survey conducted earlier in the year and has collaborated to design the action plan for staff to reduce psychosocial hazards in the workplace.  

Whilst this work is ongoing, there have been some agreed changes that have already taken place and include 

  • Distribute OHS Minutes via email to all staff.
  • Display HSR photos on the OHS Board and in the staff bulletin 
  • Provided Incident Reporting PD for staff (9 June 2023)  All staff have access to the XUNO reporting system and eduSafePlus 
  • Provided Workers' Compensation Procedure including Injury Management Plan process overview for all staff. (9 June 2023) 
  • Promote the Employee Assistance Program and Wellbeing at Work Program for staff to access following a traumatic or violent event

Future Actions 

Review debrief and reporting process 


Documents held in SharePoint: 

School Documents>Jacana Documents>OH and S>>OHS Minutes 2023


Elected Health and Safety Reps:

  • Health & Safety Representative (HSR) – Frances Hansen
  • Deputy HSR – Robert Ball 

Representation nominated by the work group:

  • 2 x Primary Sub School:  Rachael Macmillan & Vacancy 
  • 2 x Middle Sub School:  Sarah Hill & Karen Mahoney 
  • 2 x Secondary Sub School – Irene Gacovski & Linda Wakeling
  • 2 x Therapy Team:  Tiffany Wasnig &Vacancy 
  • 1 x Administration Team:  Michelle McMaster 
  • 2 x Welfare Team: Stacie Herman & Isabella De Luca 
  • 1 x Wellbeing Team: Nina Cerantonio
  • 1 x AEU Rep: Amelia Frantz
  • 1 x Facilities Team: Denise Clarke 
  • HSR & Deputy HSR:  Frances Hansen & Rob Ball 

Convener - Linda Wakeling (currently on leave) 

Deputy Convener - Irene Gacovski

Secretary - Rachael Macmillan 


Principal and /or management OHS Nominee 

  • Manager Nominee - Mary Boutros
  • 2 x PCT:  Stephanie Di Salvo & Dan Moloney 

The following OHS Policies have been reviewed and will be ratified at School Council: 

  • Anaphylaxis Policy and checklist
  • Critical Incident Response Policy
  • Bus Management Policies

First Aid Poster, Midazolam Poster and First Aid Duty Allocation 2023




~together we can through volunteering~


Today is International Volunteer Day 2023. It’s an opportune time to reflect on the transformative power of volunteerism in shaping a better, more sustainable world.


Being a volunteer strengthens your ties to the community and exposes you to people with similar interests. 

Volunteering also allows you to practice and develop your social skills. 

Volunteering keeps you in regular contact with others, it can also help you develop a solid support base.




