Facilities & Capital Works
Frances Hansen & Dr Denise Clarke
Facilities & Capital Works
Frances Hansen & Dr Denise Clarke
Capital Works:
Staff enjoyed a walk through the new building last week. I hope that all staff are thinking about the possibilities and opportunities that using the new building will offer the students.
Accoustic panels will be installed on the battens on the walls to soften the noise and the heating/cooling ducts(black) have now been installed.
The last meeting for the Yaluk Planning Group will be this Friday afternoon 1st December. this will be an opportunity for staff to ask questions about moving into the new building, planning for transition and sharing ideas you have about how the building improve the way we work with the students and their development.
A new building needs a new way of viewing our challenges and implementing more inclusive ways of working with students.
The $94,577 funding has arrived for implementing the electronic locking system in 14 gates. This afternoon Omega Security will be doing their final walk through prior to installing the locks in January. With a bit of luck they will be ready for the beginning of the new school year.
Fencing around the school
Fencing has been completed Bus loop, PG3, PG5 & HoL area. Secondary & maintenance gates will be installed Sunday.
2024 Classroom set up form has been distributed via email to staff could 1 person from each class complete the form prior to Friday December 1,2024?
Extra big bin collections
I have organised extra big bin collections on the following days:
If you notice the bin is full when using it, please send me an email or put it on the maintenance log and I will organise extra collections as needed during November.
Christmas decorations around the school
Could staff ONLY use blu-tak to attach decorations to the windows & woodwork? Sticky tape pulls the paint off the door frames, walls & roof & leaves a tacky residual on the windows.
Housekeeping items for all staff: