Celebrations and Acclamations

- Primary SS - Thank you to the Room 8 Team: Sally, Lence and Mia. You have worked well as a team to complete Student Profiles. Also, a shout out to Sally who has worked consistantly to contribute to SSGs in the absence of a classroom teacher.
- Middle SS - Thank you to the learning specialists for all the work they are doing in preparation for Curriculum Day in regards to collecting and redistributing student profiles.
- Secondary SS - thankyou to all the staff who have completed there student profiles and social stories. An extra thankyou to all that helped put on a fantastic graduation.
- Learning Specialists - Katie and Juri would like to thank all the sub schools for having their student profiles ready for next Monday/Curriculum Day
- Therapy - A big thank you to all classroom teams for your AMAZING work with your students this year. We know it isn't always easy and there are many ups and downs along the way. We see you and we acknowledge all your hard work, sweat and tears, joy and laughter, and most of all your dedication towards your students. Thank you for all that you do!
- Admin - A big shout out to the ICT lads who continually support admin when we are requiring urgent help with tech issues. You guys are the best !
- OH & S Team-Thankyou to all the staff who completed the Cleaning Bottles Survey.
- PCT - Thank you to all the staff who contributed to an incredible Year 12 Graduation. It was a perfect night a a wonderful event for all our students and families