Physical Education

Natarsha Kenny

Hoop Time Junior Girl State Finals

On Monday Aria, Abby, Atanaz, Emily, Emily, Ella and Milla competed in the State Finals for the junior girl Hoop time. There were over 200 junior teams that entered the competition and it is with the greatest pride that I can say these girls came 9th in the whole state of Victoria. They played 4 tough games of basketball against schools from all over the state to make it into the Elimination Finals. Unfortunately, they lost that final by one point, the game was incredibly close and had the whole crowd on the edge of their seats as each team shot for a goal. 

Well done girls on such a big achievement and to be able to say they are 9th in the State is pretty special.

A huge thank you to Danny who coached and mentored the girls throughout all of the Hoop Time rounds. They could not have done it without your incredible knowledge, dedication and little pep talks. Another thank you to Paul who was the Team Manager and worked with Danny and the girls to have such a successful day.