Grade 1 and 2

PosiSchools Program

The Grade 1s and 2s have absolutely loved the PosiSchools Program this year. They embraced each day by starting the day on the right foot. Our topic was all things 'Gratitude'. Every day for more than the allocated 21 days, we spent 10 to 20 minutes on the PosiSchools program where we start the morning with a positive frame of mind. Our activities involved nature walks, thinking and showing gratitude to people, nature, food, places and opportunities. We were able to show our learning through our PosiPlant, poetry, music, art and pledging what we are grateful for and the healthy habits we have created over the few weeks and will continue to take with us. At the end of each week we were able to celebrate by wearing our PosiSocks together.  


The students loved this program, had so much fun with it (a few conga lines developed over the weeks) and learnt lots of positive habits to share with others. 


Grade 1Z- News From the Classroom

Together We Learn Together We Grow

Grade 1Z have enjoyed learning about wellbeing and building positive habits through our      Posi Schools. taking part in our wellbeing program called POSI Schools Program.

The children contributed to activities that taught about the power and importance of a positive mindset and what our lives would look like if we developed better daily habits to help us be at our best. The children enjoyed making their POSI POTS showcasing what it                                                   means to grow with positivity.  

                         We want to pay it forward and help others grow too!

                 Gratitude is a positive emotion that can be grown and developed!



                                                I Posi Pledge to show kindness!

                                        I Posi Pledge to grow my positive mindset!

                                           I Posi Pledge to be a friend who listens!

                                            I Posi Pledge to be a friend who helps!

                                               I Posi Pledge to try and not give up!

                                                I Posi Pledge to be the best of me!

                                                   I Posi Pledge to be responsible!


                                           I can grow to be the best person I can be.