Foundation (Prep)


It is very exciting to reach this time of year and see how independent the students are becoming. In Term 1, most children could only write their name or a few familiar words. I am thrilled to watch everyone now writing independently and enjoying the freedom to create their own stories and information reports.


Over the past two weeks, we focused on the digraphs 'th' and 'ch'. As a whole class, we brainstormed the words we could think of that contain these sounds and then recorded them in our Alphabet Books.

As parent reading comes to a close for the year, the students are now capably reading to one another without adult guidance. I have been impressed with the responsibility and respect the children show each other during reading tasks.


During Maths sessions we have continued to practise Friends of 10 and Friends of 20. Developing confidence and an automatic recall of these number facts helps students build mental strategies, which they can use when solving addition and subtraction problems.

We have revisited doubles and played addition games including, Dinosaur Doubles.

Students also complete activities where they are encouraged to record their answers. We regularly practise addition and subtraction strategies. This term we have attempted to work out if the problem is asking us to add or take away.


To say that Prep C were looking forward to starting swimming lessons is an understatement. There were squeals of excitement, lots of dancing and showing each other their bathers before we even left for the bus. I have felt so proud of the Prep and Grade1 students in the way they conduct themselves moving to and from the pool and during their lessons. I have also been very impressed with how independent the children have been in dressing themselves and managing their belongings. Well done!

Important Dates:


  • Monday 11 - Prep - Grade 2 Week 2 of swimming (Eltham Leisure Centre)
  • Saturday 16 - Warrandyte Carols. Choir and Grade 2 to perform.
  • Monday 18 - Grade 5/6 Graduation
  • Tuesday 19 - Class parties
  • Wednesday 20 - Final Day of 2023 - 1.30pm finish

It has been a big week! Please be kind to yourselves and find time for some rest.


Mrs Callaway