Hi Everyone!  

  Last newsletter for this year! What a privilege and a joy it has been to reconnect with the wonderful Anderson Creek PS community this term!  When I left at the end of 2022 I was not expecting to be back at Anderson Creek PS in the beautiful Yarra Valley!

Thank you for your warm welcome – I felt like I had never left!  Regardless of how long someone has been a part of our lives, whether it’s five minutes, five years, or five decades, their impact will always remain with us. The memories came flooding back!


BUT IT IS TIME TO SAY “GOOD-BYE’ AGAIN!  Tuesday, December 19th will be my last day at ACPS.  Perhaps we’ll meet again,’ don’t know how, don’t know where”.  I will be continuing at Greensborough PS where the need is great.



Excitement is building as we approach the end of another school year and Christmas!

Christmas has become a special time of giving, celebrated by many, regardless of culture or faith.

I have been thinking about all the ways we can give – how people have given to me & how I have been able to give to others.


Gifts and money are the obvious ways we like to give. But there are there are many other ways we give to show joy and love to others.

As I reflect on my time at ACPS  here are some of the other ways your children have given to me:

- They have given me RESPECT, through holding doors open for me, saying ‘hello’ with a smile when I see them, using their manners – well, most of the time!

- They have given me LOVE through their smiles, sometimes hugs, and letting me know they have missed me when I am not at school. 

- They have given me JOY as they have shared exciting news with me, made changes in their behaviour or are trying to be their best.

- I also receive JOY when I see students give care to other students who have hurt themselves or are upset, or who need help with their schoolwork. 

You and your families have supported and given to a number of causes this year:  

Thank you also, as parents, for the gift of TRUST as you allow me into your lives through working with you and your children. 

You, as a community, have given generously through the REVERSE ADVENT food boxes for CARE NET.  As the man from CARE NET came to collect them, he passed on his thanks and said that there will be many happy families who will receive your ‘gifts’ this Christmas!

 I would like to wish you all, regardless of culture/faith, a very happy time together of joy and sharing over Christmas! May you all have a safe and relaxing holiday time, full of special family times. May 2024 bring many special moments and joy.  TAKE CARE


   Robyn Mulholland (School Chaplain)