Student Absences

Late Arrival
Students arriving after 9:00am will need to come to the office and sign in on the tablets. It is important that your child comes through the office to sign in, otherwise you will receive a message to saying your child is not at school.
Early Leave
Parents wishing to pick children up early from school will need to email their child’s teacher in the morning with the time they are being picked up. This will ensure that your child is at the office ready for you to pick them up.
Parents will also need to sign the children out on the tablets at the front office.
Families who are leaving early on holidays
Families who are going on holidays, please email the school ( with your child’s name, grade, and the date that you will be away and returning.
Parents will need to enter this leave onto Compass too.
Children leaving Mount View Primary School
If your child is leaving our school, please email the school ( with the date they are leaving and what school they will be attending and when they will be starting.