Principal's Report

Principal’s Report
Year 12 Graduation Evening
Monday saw us hold our annual Year 12 Graduation evening in the Presidents Room at Kardinia Park. It was a terrific celebration of 13 years of education for these Belmont High graduates. With over a thousand people present it is a reminder of the community it takes to support students through their journey of school. It was great to see so many past students coming up to interact with the teaching staff present and see the strong family connections that have been built at Belmont High.
A highlight of the night was the announcement of our JG Forster winner for 2023. A huge congratulations to Toby Davidson of 12M who is the 2023 recipient. A popular winner who exemplifies all the key values that it means to be a Belmont High student. Well done Toby!
Below are the nominees from each House for this year’s JG Forster award:
Blue House Harper Thomson
Ebony House - E Abigail Alsop
Ebony House - Y Allison Hollins
Gold House Georgia Turley
Green House Zoe Southon
Mango House Toby Davidson
Purple House Sian Lewis
Red House Brooke Blaney
Silver House Ben Leak
Thank you to Jess Scannell and her team for organising this event and thank you also to the students, family members and staff who came along to the evening. I wish all graduating students the best as they move on from their secondary schooling and look forward to hearing about their future endeavours.
End of year dates
As the year starts to approach the end, below are a reminder of the key dates that are coming up for our students:
- Friday 24th November - Year 11 & 12 Early Commencement program finishes
- Wednesday 6th December – 3 Day Year 7, 8 & 9 Step Up program begins
- Monday 11th December – EOY Activities commence
- Tuesday 12th December - 2024 Year 7 Orientation Program – 2 Days
- Thursday 14th December – Adventure Park Activity (Approval on Compass)
- Friday 15th December – School Picnic Activity (Approval on Compass)
- Monday 18th December – Belmont High Awards Ceremony (6:00pm School Gym)
- Wednesday 20th December – End of term 4
Major Building Project
Thanks to all the parents who attended the Parents Association meeting where feedback was given to Kelly Architects around our $11.2 major building project. Since this meeting we have moved along with our master plan gaining feedback from staff and students. As the process continues, we can predict that building works will start some time toward the end of 2024.
Once we have a more detailed plan, I will share with the school community.
Awards Evening
On Monday 18th December, we will be holding our annual Student Award Ceremony. This year, the event will be in the Gym at Belmont High School and will commence from 6.00pm.
Invitations to the ceremony will be sent via a Compass Event. Students receiving sponsored, recognition, subject and sport awards will receive an invitation in the coming weeks. Students receiving Excellence and Endeavour Awards will be notified once our final reporting cycle closes on or around the 8th of December. Year 12’s who will be receiving subject awards will be notified by phone once VCE results have been released.
If you have any queries, please contact our office on 5243 5355.
Could parents of 2023 Year 7 to Year 11 students who will NOT be attending Belmont High School in 2024, please notify the school as soon as possible. This information will help the school in planning for 2024.
Josh Baker