Parents Association AGM

Hi All,


Last night the 2023 Parents Association (PA) AGM was held in the staff room, and I thank those who were able to attend and to those who tabled reports and contributed on the night.


The President, Financial and School reports were all tabled.


You will be pleased to know that the support we received from you, the St Bedes community was overwhelming as evidenced on the night by our financial position being in a healthy state.  On behalf of the PA executive team and in accordance with our mission, I’m proud to announce that the PA have raised sufficient funds towards the school’s proposed resurfacing of the sports courts, including reversable Basketball / Netball Towers and Soccer Goals.  Brian will make an announcement on the school’s exciting plans on this in due course.  Furthermore, given the generosity and support of the St Bede's community, the PA will also be donating sufficient funds towards new TV screens and their installation to replace the ageing com boxes in all the grade prep and 1/2 classrooms.  The TV screens will improve teacher and student experiences, with better picture quality and connectivity capabilities.


Significant contributions to the PA accounts, included our pinnacle events, in our Bogan themed Bogan Bingo, Colour Fun Run, not to mention the Cookie Dough Sales, Second Hand Uniform Shop, Easter Raffle and 2022 Christmas Market also making significant contributions.

We thanked our 2023 committee for their service this year as they stepped down from their roles and gave a special thank you to the long serving valued servant leaving the PA due to their children graduating in 2023 – Viviana Rossios.   I expressed the PA’s heartfelt gratitude for Viviana for her invaluable contributions to our committee. Her dedication, insights, and hard work have been instrumental in our success.  We thanked Viviana for her commitment and support over the many years.  We will miss Viv, but her legacy will continue to motivate and guide us. 

I will be stepping down as President of the Parents' Association, however I can confirm several 2023 committee members are staying on and I am excited to welcome some new members to the team, not to mention our incoming PA President Lisa Marulli and Vice President Catherine Purtell.

We welcomed the newly elected committee for 2023:

§  President – Lisa Marulli

§  Vice President – Catherine Purtell  

§  Treasurer – Tinikki Mott

§  Secretary – Leni Pantelios 

§  Class Rep Co-ordinator – Tinikki Mott

§  Social team - Chantal Valis

§  Fundraising team – 

§  School Rep - Larissa Boyhan

§  Uniform Shop – Lisa Sette/Mara Brunton/Cheryl Tan

§  Care Group – Kate Maher

§  Tuckshop – Lisa Marulli/Lisa Sette/Linda Cassar

§  Father Child Camp – Mick Harvey 

§  General Members – Nathan Hoskins/Stefano Martini/Justin Ciabotti/Jessica Curley/Angela Karbaliotis/Joe Pulvirenti

§  Brian Grace


By the way, It’s not too late to join our amazing PA team.  Feel free to let myself, Viv, Leni or other PA members know if you have an interest in joining the team in 2024!  There are positions available in Fundraising, Leni would love to share the Secretarial role with someone, and Chantal would love a buddy to assist her in the Social team.


I hope that you all have a safe and blessed Christmas with family and friends, and I hope to see you all at the Christmas Market and the Christmas Carols in December. 


The PA thanks you for your support throughout the year.


Kind regards,

Joe Pulvirenti

President – St Bede's Parents' Association

(Isla 1DJ, Isaac 3/4KA & Xavier 5/6A)