en Français

Bonjour tout le monde!

Cette semaine est fantastique en français! (This week is fantastic in French class!) 

All classes performed their French play in front of their buddies. Tout le monde parle français très bien (everyone speaks French very well). All students across the school have shown great resilience and enthusiasm in their roles. 


The Preps have performed the story of La Poule Maboule. With their friends, le mouton, le cheval et le chat, (the sheep, the horse and the cat) they figured out that the sky didn’t fall down on their heads. It was just a nut. Le Loup Foufou (the crazy wolf) hasn’t worked it out yet. He was too busy being fâché (angry)!

The Grade 1 and 2 have performed the story of Le chat et la Lune. Le chat, le chien, le mouton et le cheval (the cat, the dog, the sheep and the horse) thought that the moon fell in the water. Non non non it was only the reflection in the pond. La lune est dans le ciel. Tout le monde regarde (everybody watches), say the King. 

The Grade 3 and 4 have performed the story of Boucles Violettes et les 3 ours, a remake of Goldilocks. They all show great acting and courage to speak up in French. Fantastique!

The Grade 5 and 6 have performed the story Où est mon chien? where Marie lost her dog Minuit. She asked the chef, the police officer, her teacher and her friend Suzanne and finally found Minuit with another dog Pico and 5 puppies. Great actors and actresses on stage!  The Preps and Grade 1 were a very captivated audience!

Bravo again tout le monde!

A la semaine prochaine!

Madame Raphaelle