Parish News

CHRISTMAS CAROLS: Volunteers needed as ushers, car park attendants, stage setup and dismantle, if you are available to assist, please contact the parish office. St Agatha’s Parish Christmas Carols, Saturday 16th December 7.00pm to 9.30pm. Family picnic at 6.30pm BYO food and chairs. St Agatha’s School Oval, BYO battery candle.
SAVE THE DATE: St Agatha’s Parish Christmas Carols, Saturday 16th December 7.00pm to 9.30pm. Family picnic at 6.30pm BYO food and chairs. St Agatha’s School Oval, BYO battery candle.
BABIES FOR CHRISTMAS MASSES: We are in need of babies and their parents to help dress up as the Holy Family during the gospel at our Christmas Masses. If you are able to help at this special time please contact Sr Victoria on 5996 1985.
ST VINNIES FOOD BIN: “Donating food is a practical way to help people going through a tough time.” If you’d like to help the St Vinnies Food bin in the foyer is available for you to donate nonperishable food. Thank you.
AID TO THE CHURCH IN NEED- SAVE THE DATE: Night of the Witnesses – 22 November 2023, 7pm at St Patrick’s Cathedral. Aid to the Church in Need invites you to an evening of prayer, testimony, song, adoration and reflection to honour the witness of twelve recent Christian martyrs and to stand in solidarity with Christians all over the world who are suffering persecution for their faith in Jesus Christ. Archbishop Peter Comensoli will preside and His Beatitude, Patriarch Joseph Absi of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church will be one of the international guest speakers who will share personal testimony of persecution for the faith. We hope you will join us. For more information please visit:
YARRA THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE: Invitation to YTU's Online Information Session for 2024 - Wed 15th November 2023 AT 5.30pm. YTU will answer all your questions and give further details regarding studying with them next year. Online via zoom. Register Please contact via email: or phone: 03 9890 3771
EXPLORING THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MARK: You are invited to an evening over Zoom with Fr Francis Otobo, while he takes us through the Gospel of Mark in preparation for Year B. Via Zoom, Tuesday 21st November 7.30pm to 9.00pm. Please go to our website for more information. Please register to receive the link. www.trybooking.comCMOVER email: