Principal's News

Courage, Faith, Love
Dear parents and friends of St Agatha's Primary School,
What a wonderful and busy week! Since the last newsletter we have had Japanese Day, the Year Six market, Remberance day, listened to the Year Five leadership speeches and welcomed our Foundation class of 2024.
I would like to start by saying CONGRATULATIONS to the Year Six students who designed and then led a Market Day for the whole school. They displayed many excellent leadership skills as they problem solved and created stalls that involved games, food and items to buy. The whole school enjoyed the experience and participated respectfully and responsibly. The year six teaching team worked tirelessly to ensure a successful day and I would thank them for their hard work. The students were very excited to hear that they raised a whopping $2,600 approx. This money will go towards their Big Day out to Phillip Island later this term. Any money left over will be given to a charity that the year six students nominate.
The Year Five students presented their leadership speeches to the Year Four students. I had the pleasure of listening to each and every one of the speeches. I was so proud to hear their heart felt speeches for School and Vice Captaincy as well as House and Faith Captains. It will be a difficult decision that the leadership, and teachers will have to make to select who will be successful. I look forward to announcing who will be involved in the student leadership team for 2024. When I spoke to the Year Five students I explained that unfortunately, not everyone can be nominated and while that might feel disappointing, each and every one of them needs to be proud of themselves and go into Year Six with a leadership mindset as they are our role models for the rest of the school.
Congratulations to Sensei Andrews who led a beautiful Japanese Day. Thank you to all the students and staff who dressed up and got into the spirit! The hall looked magnificient with all the Japanese inspired artwork and giant fish. The entertainment was wonderful with Wadaiko Rindo who performed for us. The St Agatha's drumming team - Taiko Tenshi (Japanese drumming angels) was just brilliant! They performed with such precision and passion. Sensei Andrews and I will begin planning a very special opportunity for the Taiko Tenshi team to represent our school. More about that next year!!
Finally, welcome to the Foundation students of 2024. We have 91 students who will begin school next year. Earlier this week we had our Information Evening which was very well attended. Partnering with families for their child's education is a great honour and I am very excited about working with all families, existing and new, as they begin the primary school journey. I leave you this week with the poem I like to share in the Foundation Information book.
Yours in partnership,
Michelle Bruitzman
"Whose child is this?" I asked one day
Seeing a little one out at play
"Mine", said the parent with a tender smile
"Mine to keep a little while
To bathe his hands and comb his hair
To tell him what he is to wear
To prepare him that he may always be good
And each day do the things he should"
"Whose child is this?" I asked again
As the door opened and someone came in
"Mine", said the teacher with the same tender smile
"Mine, to keep just for a little while
To teach her how to be gentle and kind
To train and direct her dear little mind
To help her live by every rule
And get the best she can from school"
"Whose child is this?" I ask once more
Just as the little one entered the door
"Ours" said the parent and the teacher as they smiled
And each took the hand of the little child
"Ours to love and train together
Ours this blessed task forever."