Principal News

2023 has been a bumper year at Banyan Fields Primary School and I couldn't be more proud after celebrating with our Year 6 Graduation Ceremony on Thursday and our special presentation assembly on Friday where our 2023 School Leaders were acknowledged, 2024 School Leaders introduced and 2024 House Captains introduced. We also acknowledged and awarded our scholarship nominees and recipeints. Congratuations to all of the students who were recognised on Friday.


For environmental and safety reasons we have our trees on site inspected and assessed by arborists. Our most recent assessment has indicated that these trees remain safe for the the short term but that it is time for us to plan for them to be removed due to safety reasons. With this being the case, arrangements have been made for these trees to be removed over the summer school holiday break. The trees will be removed carefully with sections of the trees to be re used for seating and mulch in our play areas.


As you know we have had some delays with the commencement of our build project to refurbish our Multi Purpose Room. At this stage we are hoping for construction to begin early in Term 1 but I will keep you updated when I hear more.


We have some end of year staff changes with a few staff leaving Banyan Fields. We will also be welcoming some new staff for 2024.


Ricky Joyce (Assistant Principal) has accepted the Acting Principal Position at Frankston Heights Primary School for Term 1 of 2024. I would like to sincerely thank Ricky for his outstanding work and leadership at Banyan Fields Primary School.  Our school community will miss Ricky greatly but I am absolutely thrilled for him to be offered the opportunity to lead the Frankston Heights Primary School community during Term 1 next year. Please join me in congratulating Ricky on his new role and thanking him for his leadership at Banyan Fields.


I would like to thank the following staff for thier service to Banyan Fields Primary School and wish them well.

Miranda Archer (teacher)

Clair Goetz (teacher)

David Ingram (teacher)

Jodie Redman (teacher)

Belinda Ancell (teacher)

Belinda Nason (teacher)

Annette Gardner (teacher)

Stephanie Carpenter (teacher)

Grace Mongoso (Education Support)

Peta Blackburn (Education Support)

Ayesha Thilakarathna (Education Support)

Sigourney Mills (Education Support)


I would like extend a warm welcome to our new staff for 2024

Andew Wright (teacher)

Shannen Janz (teacher)

Emma Henderson (teacher)

Emily Tremewen (teacher)

Christina Pezos (teacher)

Alicia Howard (teacher)


Thank you everyone for a wonderful year on 'The Fields' this year. I am looking forward to another great year together in 2024.