
Important Dates to Remember

Change to Timing of Parish Sacramental Programs

From this year, Reconciliation will be celebrated in Year 3 (and not Year 2 as is currently the custom), and First Eucharist (First Holy Communion) will be celebrated in Year 4 (and not Year 3 as is currently the custom). Confirmation will still be celebrated every two years for Years 5 & 6.


What this means is that in 2024, the only sacrament to be celebrated is First Reconciliation. 2025 will see First Eucharist and First Reconciliation celebrated as the new routine is bedded down. In addition, there will be Confirmation in 2025. 


Please share this information about the changes widely. Contact Fr Paddy by email if you have any questions (


Father Paddy

Stage 3 Cooinda Court Visit

On Friday 17th November, our Stage 3 students visited Cooinda Court for some reading and singing. We have had lots of positive comments from residents and students and look forward to visiting more often. Thank you for having us Cooinda Court!


Year 6 Farewell Mass Choir

The Year 6 Farewell Mass is being held in the church at 6pm on Monday 4th December. 

I will be looking to put a choir together to assist Mr Pratt with the singing on the night. If your child is interested please complete the form below by Fri 24th Nov.


Year 6 Farewell Mass Choir -

Giving and End of Year Mass

Each year we hold a Giving Mass where we ask for families to donate to the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. The mass will be held on Friday 8th December at 9:30am. 


This year St Vinnies Junee requires assistance to create food hampers for the many people in our area. 


Below is a list of items St Vinnies have suggested as ideal for donating:



Christmas pudding

Custard powder

Tinned fruit

Bon bons/Christmas Crackers




Long life milk

Sweet biscuits

Candy canes



Long life juice

Christmas cake

Pancake mix







Dried fruit

Fruit mince pies

Savoury biscuits

Tinned vegetables


Muesli bars


Pasta sauce


Packets of chips


Wrapping paper

Gift Bags


Donations can be left in the office or given to class teachers anytime before the 8th of December.

Combined Churches Christmas Carols

We have been invited once again this year to participate in the Combined Churches Carols in the Park to be held in Memorial Park, Junee on Sunday 10th December at 5pm. Mr Pratt will be playing his guitar and singing along with us this year, so it would be wonderful to have our school well represented in the choir. Children can just wear mufti clothes with a touch of Christmas if they like.


Please complete the following google form if your child/ren are able to attend.


Christmas Eve Family Mass

Our Family Christmas Eve Mass will be held in the church on Sunday 24th December at 6pm. 


Fr Paddy would love the children to play some special parts this year, so if your child/ren would like to be part of this special mass, please let me know by filling in the form below. 


Christmas Eve Family Mass -

Dates to Remember

Friday 24th November

Stages 2 & 3 Mass - 9:30am in the Church


Monday 4th December

Year 6 Graduation Mass - 6.00pm in the Church


Friday 8th December

Giving and End of Year Mass - 9:30am in the Church


Sunday 24th December

Christmas Eve Family Mass - 6.00pm in the Church