Principal's Report

Jells Park Primary School



Principal:                         Kevin Oakey






Assistant Principal:     Kellie Stewart









Assistant Principal:     Scott Zachariassen



Staffing for 2024

Jells Park PS is delighted to welcome Julie Hall as the Acting Assistant Principal for 2024, replacing Kellie Stewart who has accepted a role as Acting Principal at Oakleigh PS.



Julie comes to us from Vermont PS where she has been a Leading Teacher, and has specialties in the area of DigiTech and Numeracy, as well as a solid background with Wellbeing and Inclusion programs.

Talking Gender

This topic has been foremost in conversations for the last 2 weeks and I wanted to succinctly clarify a few points and provide some support  and education for parents and families.


Firstly, individual personal privacy is a right of all people, hence the decision not to send out a community letter in advance of announcing the staff for 2024. Please understand and respect this.


Secondly, the topic of 'Gender Identity' has been in the school curriculum for a number of years in the Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationship resource. This resource is readily accessible under the SEL section of our school website. When teachers 'talk' gender issues in the classroom, this is the age-appropriate resource they follow.


Finally, I know parents are looking for some support and education to allow them to have respectful and informed conversations with their children. I have been working with a number of recommended organisations to find age-approriate resources. This has been a difficult task as most of the materials are directed at secondary school students and adults. You will find later in the newsletter a list of possible links that might support you. As always, it is parent choice what you use - you may find some of the information useful for yourself but not suitable to pass on to your children. (See Talking Gender page)


DUBE Scholarship winners

Congratualtions to Hannah Bennett and Matthew Timms as the 2024 Dube Scholarship winners.

This is the only student award that we do at Jells Park PS and it is given to two students in Level 5 that exemplify someone who is a bit of an ‘all-rounder’, not necessarily the superstar in any category, but someone who is good academically, good at sport & performing arts, etc, always giving things a red-hot go, tries their best all the time, is fair, models the values of the school, is a helpful and pleasant person in the classroom, just ‘gets on with it’, works hard, never complains, and is reliable and supportive.


Hannah and Matt are deserved winners!!

SAVE the DATE - Twilight Market Night

Jells Park Twilight Market Night - Friday 22 March, 2024. Save this date in your calendar

Assemblies in 2024


Just a note that Assemblies in 2024 will start at 2.50pm each Monday afternoon. 

We have been running overtime too often and the extra 10minutes will help with packing up and dismissing students on time.

Thank You, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Once again, thank you to the incredibly supportive Jells Park PS community for your engagement and support throughout the year. 


Wishing everybody a safe School Holidays - relax and enjoy.




Kevin Oakey





Next week millions of Christians around the world will celebrate Christmas, a religious celebration signifying the birth of Jesus. A secular family holiday, it is often marked by the exchanging of gifts and the arrival of Santa. I hope all members of the JPPS community who are celebrating Christmas enjoy this special time with family and friends.


Thank you

Finally I would like to take this opportunity to thank the JPPS wider community for the support and trust they have given me over the last 5 years. I have enjoyed working with each of you and your families and have made some lasting connections which I will miss greatly next year. I wish you all the very best for a peaceful and happy holiday period and a successful 2024.



Kellie Stewart

Assistant Principal