Curriculum Matters 


On Wednesday 6th December, Foundation participated in our Christmas Craft Incursion. We made stained glass windows, Christmas baubles and other things. 

Level 2

Yesterday, the Level 2 students braved the heat and ventured to Moonlit Animal Sanctuary to celebrate all their learning this term on habitats. 

The students experienced an up-close reptile encounter, feeding the wallabies and taking a tour of the park to see sleeping koalas, orange-bellied parrots, and Tasmanian devils. 

We were lucky to see many endangered animals, as Moonlit Sanctuary have conservation programs to help save these animals from extinction. 

Level 3

The holiday spirit has found its way into our Level 3 classrooms, as part of the festive Christmas rotations and to celebrate a fantastic year, students showcased their culinary skills by transforming simple biscuits into adorable reindeer-shaped treats. 

They have also been busy crafting and baking up some delicious treats for presents. 

We have had a fantastic year in Level 3 and have loved being able to create lots of fun memories together.

Level 6

The Level 6 students are coming to the end of their Primary school lives. We had an amazing time as grade sixes this year, it has been an action packed year, full of fun activities and hard work, here are some of the things we have enjoyed the most! 

  • We did our final JPPS concert, which is a privilege for grade sixes since we get a chance to be an Inbetweener. It is very fun because we got to bring some electronics and get to stay at Caulfield Grammar for several hours.
  • We also went to Canberra Camp which was really great, we learned a lot of things and had heaps of fun. But one of the downsides was we had to stay on the bus for 16 hours in total! 
  • We got to do the Snow Day in Mount Buller. We had to wake up very early in the morning and we came back home very late, but it was really fun. Some people brought money and they bought mini hot donuts.
  • Lastly JP racing, all the selected students got to go to Maryborough for 4 days and race in the HPVs. It was a 14 hour race, and we rode for two periods. The first day it was really hot, and the second day it was raining. But It was still fun racing and we had some good results.

It’s going to be sad leaving Jells Park, but we will always remember the fantastic times we had.


By Anna, Jeremey, Elsa, Max and Ella