Assembly Awards  

Principals Award


For showing excellence throughout the week by attending to all work tasks, being on time for class and showing a great attitude towards his learning. He has shown respect to students and staff by listening and doing as he is asked. Well done, Braxton!






Amity you are awarded this award for excellence/ creativity. I love how you displayed initiative and invented the National World Zebra day. I even learn what noise Zebras make. Most of all though, you are an exemplary member of our school community who brings joy to her friends, her teacher and her learning.

Well done.


Foundation L


For the excellent effort, he has put into writing Information Reports this term. He always includes lots of detail and interesting facts.



For the great progress she is making to learn all the letter names and sounds.  

Foundation W


For being a kind and helpful member of our class community. You use lovely manners towards everyone and support others to be the best learners they can. Thank you for helping make our classroom a safe and happy place.



For aiming high in your spelling this week. You have been taking care to listen carefully and record all the sounds you hear. Keep up the great work!



For your amazing focus and determination to improve your handwriting. You have worked so hard to fix letter reversals and your story writing has been very entertaining to read. Well done on giving your best effort and seeking feedback. Fantastic work this year! 



For displaying our school value of community outside of school. Your brilliant work raising money for the SES and other charity organisations has been inspiring. In the classroom you are welcoming of students from other grades, and in the yard, you include others in your games. 



For the care and effort you put into your research project – poster, diorama, decorations and tickets. I was particularly impressed with your ability to present your information.     



For the warm, welcoming way you shared your learning with 3/4B this week. The feedback you received was positive, encouraging and supportive. Well done on creating such wonderful enclosures!  



For demonstrating care while we were practicing our assembly item. The way he showed kindness towards his peers should be celebrated. He quietly supported his friends to ensure that everyone experienced success. 



For being such a caring member of our grade. I am so proud of the way that you always support and encourage your peers without being asked. You quietly reassure everyone and inspire us to ‘have-a-go’.  



For always using her manners and kind words when speaking to students and teachers.



For encouraging others and for being a kind and supportive friend.



For always putting his best effort into his work. 



For trying her best with everything she does. 



For the hard work he has put into his Animal adaptation project the last few weeks. He has stayed focussed and completed his work in a timely manner, making sure he has included everything.



For her continuous effort working towards achieving her goals both in and out of the classroom. She always seeks feedback, reflects on her work and attempts to do better each time!



For the care and respect you have displayed in class this week. 



For the increased enthusiasm you have displayed this week. It is nice to see you happy and enjoying yourself.



For his enthusiasm and hard work during our Mega Beast incursion, he was inquisitive and organised his thinking well. Well done! 



For her persistence, resilience and determination this week while nursing an injured finger, well done!  



For his focus and participation in activities. Henry has completed excellent work during class time, and he had a wonderful day with everyone at the zoo. It is lovely to see him smiling and trying his best in learning activities. Great work Henry! 



For being such a kind, thoughtful and enthusiastic member of our classroom community. Throughout the year Shae has maintained a positive and caring attitude towards our class. She has been considerate of her peers and has  gone out of her way to make sure people feel included and supported.  We are very lucky to have you in our class Shae. Well done!



For the growth she has made this year.  Amelia I am very proud of how you have applied yourself to your learning and of the resilience you have shown in tricky situations. You have challenged yourself and have grown your self-belief in what you can achieve. Well done on striving for excellence and always trying your best.  


Tommy and Lila 

For applying themselves when completing their Integrated Studies project.



For respecting other people’s property and helping to keep our classroom tidy and organised. 



For the work she has done on creating and interpreting graphs.



For being such a great member of our learning community. You are such an asset. I love your positive attitude, and your willingness to get in and support your group (especially in The Brief project). I have enjoyed seeing you mingling with different students, ensuring everyone is included.


“The Mystery Person”

For quietly tidying and re-organising our class library. Our library was looking very sad, with not much care been taken when returning books. Looking over at the shelves to see them all perfectly lined up brought me so much joy and made me smile. Thank you!



For the leadership you have shown as your role as a Director during our Rockies rehearsals. 



For the commitment and creativity that you have shown during our Rockies rehearsals. 



For creativity and enthusiasm towards the Rockies preparation. 



For being a cohesive group member during Rockies preparation demonstrating leadership qualities and being responsible.