Principal's Report

Dear Families
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the school community for being so welcoming and supportive over the last semester. I have enjoyed my time here getting to know the staff, students and families. I will miss seeing the many friendly faces and the lovely conversations I’ve had when out in the school yard. If you see me in the community, please come and say hello.
Classes for next year are coming together as we start our transition process this Friday with students visiting the next year levels. They will then meet their 2024 teachers on Tuesday 12th December. We have had a change of staffing for next year with Mrs Emily Davey staying in Foundation and Mrs Lisa Warland teaching Year 1/2.
In times of transition, as this is for our students, although a little unnerving, it is very exciting. A new school year awaits, with new classmates and new teachers.
For our Year Six students, and a number of other families, a new school awaits. I would like to take this opportunity to farewell our wonderful Year Six students and to also acknowledge and thank those families who depart Ballarat North this year for the final time – it has been wonderful to have you as part of our BNPS community!
A couple of final reminders:
- Final Assembly will be on Friday 15th December at 2:30PM in Penberthy Hall
- Semester Two student reports will be available via Compass on Friday 15th December, 4pm
- Final Day of school – Tuesday 19th December with 2:30pm finish
- Year 1 to Year 6 first day of 2024 – Wednesday 31st January
- Foundation/Prep first day of 2024 – Monday 5th February
I would like to finish off with a massive THANK YOU to all our hardworking staff and volunteers for the year that has been. It has been a challenging year regarding workforce pressures, and keeping a school running is no mean feat. To have such a hard-working team to step in and make sacrifices to keep our fabulous school ticking has not gone unnoticed. I would like to acknowledge and thank all of our staff, and those who have volunteered for us in some way this year.
Lastly, I would like to welcome back Mr David Garner for 2024.
Take care and enjoy a wonderfully restful summer break.
Tegan Aquilina
Acting Principal