In the Classroom

Inspired Readers Festival

Beach to Bush



Year 6 Breakfast

Presentation Day

Thank you

Inspired Readers Festival

On Tuesday 14 November, students traveled to Armidale UNE campus for the Inspired Readers Festival.

The children have completed a My Time at the Inspired Readers Festival sheet, which are attached to this newsletter.


Beach to Bush 

On Friday 17th November, we had the Beach to Bush program visit our school. In this visit we had two surf lifesavers come and talk to us about the importance of water safety and staying safe at the beach. At the end we even got to hear the Shark Warning Siren!

Scripture Week 7&8


Friday 8th December
Friday 8th December


Year 6 Breakfast

Students, staff and families joined together on Monday 11 December to celebrate our Year 6 children Sophie and Eddie.  A wonderful breakfast was shared and Sophie and Eddie unveiled their artwork for the weather shed and presented the school with a new flag with the school emblem on it.  Sophie and Eddie received a finishing present from the P&C of a name/year jumper and Mrs Brown made them a signature animal.

As part of the morning, a photo memory power point was presented - Sophie 2017 to 2023 and Eddie 2021 to 2023.  

We wish Sophie and Eddie all the very best with their high school learning and futures.

Thank you to everyone that helped for the morning.

Presentation Day 2023

A successful Celebration of Learning was held on Thursday 14 December.  We were pleased to have special guests Mr Neil Alley, Mrs Gail Brazel and Mrs Sarah Ranger on hand to present the special awards for 2023.

Congratulations to those winners

Valerie Ham - Jacob Alley Memorial Trophy

Sophie Ranger - Sports Award

Eddie Harris & Sophie Ranger - Leadership

All students received a book and certificate in recognition of their learning for 2023.

The audience enjoyed performances from the children - skipping, dance & a play SPOON.

The day was a terrific opportunity to finish our 2023 year, celebrating and catching up with families and friends.


Photos will be in the first newsletter of 2024.


Thank you!

Niangala Public School would like to thank families, friends and the community for your continued support through this year.  You are part of the reason that our school is such an amazing place.


We look forward to seeing you all in 2024 - wishing everyone a festive Christmas and a  safe holidays.