Secondary Sub School Rooms 19 - 27

Ashley Stace - Secondary Sub school Leader

Welcome back!


The Secondary Sub School has quickly settled back into routine. All the students have had many conversations recounting their holidays. These recounts have probably been turned into numerous activities. 


Room organisation and assessment have been front of mind for all classroom teachers. I have enjoyed watching staff get to know their new students. 


The first round of Student Support Meetings (SSG’s) for the year are always a great way to get to know your child`s teacher and plan out what you envision for the year for your child. I hope all parents, teachers and students get the most out of these meetings by asking plenty of questions and coming to a common understanding of how to make this year the best yet.


It was wonderful to see students who engage in work placements within the first few weeks starting back straight away. It was pleasing to see our students embark on their journey or continue along their chosen career path. 


I hope the rest of the year goes as swimmingly as the first few weeks, which have been extremely positive! 




Room 19 - VPC

Room 19 has had a busy start where students are learning Literacy, Numeracy, PDS and WRS along with their SBAT / VET programs. Some students are excited about their last year at school and want to enjoy this year as much as they can. Students have been involved in Team building activities like creating structures with icy poles that could hold maximum weight and creating their own Math board/ card games. Students were actively involved in the PE and Art activities. We bade farewell to Moses who is starting a new chapter of his life at Hume Central College. Overall it has been an exciting start for all of us in Room 19.