Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1

  • Spencer- for listening to instructions and being helpful in class. 
  • Raphy- for a wonderful start in Room 1 and for learning to sit on her chair.

Room 2

  • Peyton and Ernie for following instructions in the classroom and participating in learning activities

Room 3

  • Alex and Esa for settling well into Room 3 and demonstrating great listening skills.

Room 4

  • Madeline has been showing great working skills, by completing all her tasks independently.  What a star you are, Madeline!  Keep up the great work, Madeline!
  • Tyneil has shown great leadership skills, by helping out his peers in Room 4. What a star you are, Tyneil!  Keep up the great work, Tyneil!

Room 5

  • Scarlett for settling in well to her new classroom.
  • Celine for successfully getting into a routine. 

Room 6

  • Callan for always making good choices and keeping his shoes on feet, both inside and outside the classroom.
  • Evie for her great participation in music.


Room 7

  • Kiaan for showing good listening throughout the week and completing his work. 
  • Affan for working independently on his tasks and engaging in activities.


Room 8

  • Aras for looking after himself during self care routines
  • Mason for looking after himself by listening to teachers and following directions.

Room 9 

  • Mabior for making good choices and choosing to participate in classroom activities
  • Ivy for her excellent work communicating with her peers during morning circle