Primary Sub-School News

Rachael Macmillan - Primary Sub School Leader


The Primary students have settled into the new year very well and are becoming familiar with some new faces and a new classroom. It has been exciting to see our new Year Prep students begin their first year of school and begin to learn the routines and expectations of the school day. It is important that parents and carers encourage regular bedtime routines to support good sleeping patterns, as it can be tiring for children to adapt from being at home during the holidays to coming back to school.


Our students have enjoyed their Morning Circle time, which includes coming together to talk about what's happening each day and how we are feeling. Our favourite visitor, George the dog, has also been in on Thursdays for the engaging Canine Comprehension Program. 


Some things to remember

Parents and carers, please ensure that:


 -your child has a sun hat at school

- your child has at least a spare full set of clothes at school

- all their belongings are labelled, especially drink bottles, lunch boxes, clothing and shoes.

- an SSG time with your child's teacher has been made

- you read the communication diary every day


 Room 1

Room 1 Preps are settling in well and having a wonderful start in Term 1! They have been busy exploring the classroom and getting to know each other. The Preps have been playing with their favourite toys, going outside the play area, and learning classroom routines. They are enjoying watching & listening to counting/alphabet songs, nursery rhymes and dancing on the interactive whiteboard. 




The preps have enjoyed different hands-on activities such as puzzles, sticker activities, colouring, and sensory play. They also love playing with bubbles, relaxing on our big bean bag, and jumping on the mini trampoline.  It has been a busy and fun start with the Preps and Room 1 staff are looking forward to more enjoyable learning activities in the weeks to come!