Facilities News

Dr Denise Clarke Frances Hansen
Capital Works Manager Facilities Manager
Capital Works
The Yaluk Building has progressed so it is about 95% finished. Now is the time when the project manager and architect examine the building for any areas where the plans have not been interpreted correctly or there are defects. Recently parts of the roof, that hold the mechanical plant for air conditioners, have been re-enforced. Some other challenges may add a few extra days to the planned finishing time. Soft landscaping will commence after the builders have left the site.
Transitioning from one zone in the school to the next has been tedious, as over time locks have not been robust enough and have broken down regularly. During the holidays 12 gates and two doors were fitted with new electronic locks so staff will only need a fob to open gates. This will be great when you are struggling with books and equipment in your hands. We expect the commissioning will happen in the next week.
The playgrounds and various building in the existing school are zoned so we can provide discrete areas for each sub school which makes it safer for the younger students and allows the older students to play more energetic games. Just before the end of the year through a Commonwealth Education Grant the school was able to replace all the internal remaining cyclone wire fences which were covered with shade cloth to prevent climbing. The playgrounds now look more open and spacious.
Facilities News
Works are commencing in the next 2 weeks on repairs identified in the Rolling Facilities Audit. The Planned Maintenance Program was approved in 2023 and is now being implemented. This program will facilitate the repair identified areas around the school during 2024.
During the long break the artificial grass was groomed around the school ensuring the playgrounds were ready for the start of the 2024 year.
I am currently sourcing quotes to implement the findings of the Arborists report which includes the removal of a tree in Playground 1 and Secondary Outdoor Area and includes canopy lifts of multiple trees around the school grounds.