
Principal News Flash 

Stephanie Torchia & Dan Moloney 



Hi everyone!


Welcome back in 2024! We hope that you all enjoyed a safe and restful summer's break. The staff and students appear to have returned feeling well-refreshed, settled and ready to relish within a positive and welcoming learning space here at JSA. 


Our new prep students are also establishing their new at-school routine which is so exciting for them and their families. Really wonderful to see!


2024 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)

Aligned with FISO 2.0, our key areas of focus embedded within our AIP are learning and wellbeing. In fact, the name of our AP portfolios have changed to align with these: Stephanie is now our AP - Wellbeing and Dan is our AP - Teaching and Learning, effective this year.


As your Assistant Principals, we lead our School Improvement Team to review our many successes from the year that has been and to set new aspirational targets and associated activities and milestones for 2024. 


In this fortnight's newsletter, we would like to share some of our key activities and milestones in Learning. 


To develop, implement and embed a whole-school approach to formative and summmative assessment, we will:

  • Establish a process for collecting and monitoring school-wide data
  • Establish a schoolwide literacy and numeracy scope and sequence (Levels A-5)
  • Implement and monitor the schoolwide assessment schedule as part of teacher practice
  • Embed schoolwide data filters to review student performance and curriculum success
  • Embed teacher moderation practices  as a key component of the PLC Inquiry process
  • Implement the use of Assistive Technologies within the middle and secondary years students to support their learning engagement and success in literacy

In next fortnight's newsletter, we will explore further implementations around embedding our JSA autism-specifc pratices  schoolwide.



Term 1 SSGs

As you will be aware, our Term 1 SSGs commenced in Week 2. Please ensure that you book in a time to meet with your child's teacher to provide important input regarding their individual needs and Semester 1 IEP goals. 


We encourage you to forge upon a significant partnership between yourselves and your child's classroom teacher; establishing the positive rapport your child needs most. Something that all of us can benefit from greatly.