Principal's Report

Dear families,
Today not only marks the first day of Summer , but also the end of the academic year at St Brigid’s. Next week we will hold an activities week for all Year 7- 9 students. It was wonderful to celebrate today as a whole community at the end of year Liturgy and Academic Awards Ceremony in Ss Michael and John’s church. It is important to recognise the marvellous efforts of our students throughout the year. It was also exciting to see the Grade 5 and 6 students from Ss Michael and John’s school join us on Thursday for a secondary experience.
At today’s assembly I spoke to the students of our plans for 2024. You will know that we will be undertaking a $3 million refurbishment of our Foods kitchen, student amenities and tuckshop. We expect demolition to occur towards the end of Term 1. While this will provide very comfortable spaces for the students when completed, there will be some disruption for much of the year. Consequently, we have made the decision to close our tuckshop for 2024. Together with the student leaders, we will look to provide an alternate solution to provide some food on given days (eg soup days or once a month we could arrange for pre ordered pizza slices to be delivered). We will also provide students with access to microwaves to heat food up in the winter months and possibly sell items from a vending machine. Due to child safety standards we will not be able to support students ordering takeaway to be dropped off at school. The 2024 student leaders have agreed that Year 12 students will not depart school during the day for food etc, apart from one day a week when this may happen. I am sure this short-term pain will be soon forgotten with the long term benefits.
Also today at the assembly we farewelled some staff who will not be with us in 2024. Ms Jillian Wright, Mr Timothy Weber, Ms Jeni Allen and Mr Jordan Fedke. In addition to these dedicated staff, a number of staff who were on leave this year have informed me that they will not be returning next year: Mrs Vicki Thomas, Ms Claire McGennisken, Mr Matthew Coleman and Mrs Janine Kemp. I thank all staff for their service to our community. I am pleased to announce that St Brigid’s has a full list of staff for 2024.
Finally, at today’s assembly, I asked students to do a stocktake of their uniform over the holiday break. It is fair to say that the standard of uniform items has dropped away in recent months with graffiti on hats, incorrect socks and the older style jackets remaining. School shoes will need to have black leather uppers, not canvas or ‘connies’. Wearing the correct uniform with pride will be a major focus for us in 2024 and I ask parents and carers to support the College in this matter, as our students are the best advertisement for the College.
I would like to conclude by wishing all students, staff and their families a wonderful summer and a safe break and I look forward to, with your support, continuing to make St Brigid’s a warm, faith filled and inclusive community in 2024.
Kind regards,
Gerard Raven