Talking the Talk

Sexuality Education

Talking The Talk Healthy Sexuality Education


We wanted to take a moment to share with you the incredible opportunity we recently had to learn from the experienced Vanessa Hamilton during her webinar on Sexuality Education.


As parents of primary school kids, we understand the importance of fostering open and honest conversations about human sexuality. Vanessa provided us with a treasure trove of simple tips and effective strategies to navigate these crucial discussions with our children.

The webinar was a game-changer, equipping us with the tools to approach these conversations with confidence and grace. Vanessa's insights shed light on the significance of providing basic, accurate information about human sexuality across the lifespan. We discovered valuable facts that not only enhance our understanding but also contribute to more fulfilling and positive relationship experiences within our families.

Vanessa emphasized the importance of creating an environment where these discussions can happen naturally, fostering an atmosphere of trust and understanding between parents and children.


In today's world, where information is readily available but not always reliable, having an expert like Vanessa Hamilton guide us through the nuances of sexuality education is truly a blessing. We encourage all parents to seek out opportunities to engage in such discussions, as they play a pivotal role in shaping the future well-being of our children. We have access to Vanessa’s Portal for parents, where you will find an abundance of resources, books, and tips.


Thanks again to all the families that attended, but if you miss out, please ensure you have a look at her portal.


Link for parent’s portal